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The List

Let’s say you want a man that you can trust around your

girlfriends. A man who is stable in his employment. A man

who appreciates money but doesn’t obsess over it. You don’t

mind a working class man who doesn’t earn a lot, but you

want someone who won’t hold you making more money than

he does over your head. Finally, you want a man who is

looking to start a family sooner than later. You don’t just go on

a date knowing you want A, B, C, and D, and ask if he can be

that. Humans don’t respond to directness. “Are you looking

for something serious or nah?” Of course he is going to say

“yes” dumbass, you have a vagina that he wants to bust open.

Using this example, let’s break down question asking in a

practical way. What will prove trust? What will prove that he

wants a relationship? What proves that he wants children?

What proves that he isn’t misogynistic? What proves that he

isn’t a criminal? What proves that he won’t be offended by a

woman with a good job and dreams? What proves that he isn’t

overly jealous? There is no magic question that will tell you

that after a year, a man will fall out of love with you and

choose another girl. Growing with a person in a relationship

can lead to the development of all kinds of behavior that

wasn’t there prior. We will talk about relationship problems in

the last part of the book. This list isn’t about predicting the

future; it’s about seeing the present clearly in order to make

the smart choice for a relationship that has a fighting chance.

A Loyal Man = Old Him vs. New Him: If you want to learn

about loyalty, you don’t lead with, “Do you ever think it’s

right for a man to cheat, even if he’s not being satisfied at

home?” How do you think any man who wants to fuck you

will respond? “Yeah, cheating doesn’t mean anything it’s just

my dick in some random girl who I’ll never see again. Who

cares, right?” Men aren’t that dumb or that honest when they

are attempting to get something from a woman. If you want to

know about loyalty a better line of questioning revolves

around him “back in the day” or him as a friend. For example,

ask him if he would ever cover for one of his boys who was

cheating if he were also cool with the girlfriend. A man will

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