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Men Don’t Love Women Like You

Chapter 21:

The Thing Every Woman Must


Before Agreeing to a


These steps don’t require you to be a carbon copy of Cali,

but they do require the same confidence, the same

communication, and the courage to confront your own wants.

A Spartan doesn’t chase, she doesn’t hold on, and she doesn’t

wait around. Dating like a Spartan takes out the guess work of

“is he into me?” If he made it this far, moved at your pace, and

opened up in a real way, then he is genuine. A Spartan does

not give ultimatums or ask questions about where a man sees it

going, she knows where they stand because it’s already been

established numerous times over the past several weeks. Any

man dealing with his own trust issues, emotional scares, or

immaturity, is not compatible. A man who isn’t compatible

will never make it to this transition stage, he gets cut at the

roster stage. You will always sniff out his inconsistent, fake, or

weak behavior. You will always be protected from choosing

wrong, so long as you put in the work of vetting a man in this


I don’t know if I’m strong enough must always be

greeted with I Am! Do you want to vacation on a beach with

some settle Dick or do you want to vacation on an island with

your name now hyphenated? The days of dating on a man’s

terms are over. You will never sit by your phone waiting for a

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