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Men Don’t Love Women Like You

Chapter 10:

Date Night Domination

Where should we go? What should we do? What should I

wear? I’m not going to be specific in terms of the place or

activity. I want this book to be used no matter your personality,

no matter your city, and no matter the time of year. You will be

asked out on various dates that cover a wide net of creativity.

Be it a dinner, a play, drinks, fight party, bowling, movie,

lunch picnic, etc… I want you to understand that it doesn’t

matter the backdrop, the actual conversation is what defines

the success of a first date. In a perfect world, your first date

should be a dinner date, some place quiet where you can use

that corner booth or table as if it is a police interrogation room.

You won’t get the full truth from a man on the first date, but

you will get glimpses of the real him if you are smart enough

to push beyond the jokes, the work talk, and those bias stories

that make him out to be Batman, cool & mysterious.

The mission of a first date is to hear this man out in

order to see where he’s coming from with his sales pitch. Is he

trying hard to impress you, or is he half-assing because he

thinks he has already won? Is he trying too hard to seem

perfect, or is he being a real dude who can poke fun at

himself? The best way to complete this mission is to look him

in the eye with your bullshit filter set to high. You can’t do that

in a crowded room, while a movie is playing in front of you, or

on a group date. Keep in mind that while a date is social and

you will have fun, the primary focus as a Spartan is sport. The

Arena has to benefit your mission or you risk spending a night

with a man whom you learn absolutely nothing about, just

reacting to the external events of the date.

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