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Seeing Through His Act

If your boyfriend is crying about you not making time for him,

but you know that you spend the majority of your free time

with him, then his victim baiting won’t work. Unlike a typical

bitch that would race over and give in with, “I’m sorry babe, I

didn’t mean to be so busy,” you can check him with receipts.

“I’ve spent 4 hours a day over the last five days with you, and

I stayed the night last Saturday, don’t lay that shit on me.” Do

not let a man game you like a little boy game’s his mother.

Men want what they want when they want it; be smart enough

to know that isn’t love, it’s control. The more you become

caught up in being at his disposal the more he expects it,

which translate to you ending up in a marriage where you

can’t breathe without him giving you the okay. Because you

are so no-nonsense and forward, a man will try to use your

strength against you. He will call you mean, say you’re bossy,

or make passive remarks about how you always have to be

right. These are bitch checks. They aren’t as brutal or vicious

as those men who look to tear down women and abuse them,

but they work in the same manner. As a Spartan, you will see

through what men do, you know their motivation before they

can even verbalize it, and this will lead to them trying to bring

you down to the level of other women.

By putting thoughts in your mind that you are too strong,

a man plants the seeds of loss. Your boyfriend will hint that

you are in trouble of pushing him away by exercising control,

which can cause you to let things slide, bite your tongue, or

limit your personality to fit into his “be a nice girl” box. Take

inventory of your personality, and prove that he’s full of shit.

Being mean is cursing him out for something small like

hanging out an hour later than he planned or not taking the

trash out. Being bossy is always making him do things or go

places you want to go without compromise. Being a know-itall

is you constantly chiming in with an opinion, instead of

having a two-sided discussion. You should know your

personality at this point and how to co-exist with people in a

way that’s not narcissistic, abrasive, or condescending. When

a man tries to check you with accusations, all you have to do is

present facts.

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