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life has always been, and all of the fear and anxiety become

silly. There is nothing to stress over once you become lucid in

your dream. This is the power you are about to tap into.

If you need something more scientific to push you

forward, look at quantum physics, zero point field research, or

quantum foam tests that demonstrate that virtual particles pop

in and out of existence depending on the observer. When not

being observed, they remain waves of energy waiting to take

shape. “Everything we call real is made of things that cannot

be regarded as real,” Niels Bohr won a Noble Prize with this

information, but you can change your life with it. This book

will prove it in terms of results if you choose to accept one

thing: The external world is a vibrational force that collapses

and then projects what you call life experience, not from that

physical brain in your head, not from your “I wish for this,

give it to me,” ego-driven consciousness, but from your true


Your first thought may be that you and other people are

creating this shared world together, like some group project,

but there is only you. You are the observer. Everything is you.

To quote quantum physicist John Wheeler, “There is no out

there, out there!” It’s all inside of you and always has been.

Think about all the times you felt a situation was hopeless, and

it worked out. As a kid and as an adult, you experienced “Oh

shit” moments that you now laugh at, because it ended without

you getting in trouble or ended with you getting what you

wanted. People call it a miracle or a guardian angel, but once

you move away from the supernatural, it is revealed as your

true self protecting you from your own stupidity. Any time you

make a mistake and don’t learn your lesson, it repeats later,

teaching you that same lesson that you were supposed to learn

earlier. Your life was not created for you to lose. Even when

“bad” happens it is actually good because it advances you to

either think differently or move differently. Struggle is only

struggle because you’re attached to primordial thinking. Life’s

trials are built to wake you up, not to keep you clinging on to

your old fearful life view.

Waking up or collapsing the field isn’t about doing

magic; it’s about understanding the engine that’s powering

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