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Therefore, sex becomes the most serious aspect of dating.

Typical bitches fuck to feel momentary love because they

know a man will never truly love them. Basic bitches brag and

boast about how good their vagina is because that’s the only

substance they have to give. In the end, sex is honey not glue,

it may bait a man in, but it won’t make him stick around.

You are a Spartan. Your pussy is gunpowder, the most

game-changing invention in this world. Weaker women want

to know how you developed it, and thirsty men will tell you

anything to steal it. The days of regretting who you fucked,

regretting a drunken hookup, or being talked into a

relationship just because a man wants to lower your guards,

are over. No woman reading this will ever WISH that she

never had sex because the next man you have sex with will

have earned it. I am not a proponent of celibacy pacts or

women who keep their virginities into their late twenties. I’ve

met numerous girls like this, and the majority are fear based

individuals who do themselves more harm than good by

making sex a burden. This isn’t about “I can’t afford to add

another body to my list,” bullshit. This isn’t about “Sex

complicates things,” cowardice. This is about control.

So many women walk around as if having a vagina is a

briefcase full of money, and they don’t know who to trust and

who to run from. Your pussy is priceless, that doesn’t mean

you covet it like some paranoid billionaire afraid to let people

in. Sex feels good for a reason because you’re supposed to

have it! I want you to have sex, not because he will put a ring

on it, but because the man you are dating unlocks the code

romantically, physically, and spiritually. When a man hits all

three sparks, on top of passing these dating steps, then he has

climbed a hell of a mountain. That’s who deserves to sip from

your pussy, a fucking Jedi. Spartans can respect their bodies

and scratch their itch, but they do so in route to the bigger

conquest. Understand that sex at this level should be chess, not

checkers. You can’t think about the day after, you have to

think about the year after. Is this a man who shows the signs

that he could build a dynasty with you, or just someone who’s

cool for now? You don’t need three dates, 90 days, or any

arbitrary line in the sand that determines when to spread your

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