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Men Don’t Love Women Like You

Chapter 15:

Is His Dick Spartan Proof

Traditionally the third date is when a man’s hustle is

supposed to come together and he gets some sort of action—

oral, foreplay, sex…if not all three. These days, I’ve seen the

second date evolve into the new sex date because modern

dating puts so much focus on texting and talking between

dates, to an extent where women become comfortable around

new men fast. I warn against consecutive dates back to back,

because this is how men lure you into false comfortability.

Date you on Tuesday, pop up to see you on Wednesday, get

you over on Thursday, and a few hours into that session it

doesn’t feel like a date, it feels as if you’ve known each other

for years. Courting isn’t about cramming in three dates in five

days and becoming fast friends, it’s about seeing how his

effort either grows or dissipates over the course of weeks.

Literally weeks, not days. When you let men ADD date you, it

sweeps you up in that honeymoon excitement of a new guy

liking you so much that he has to keep seeing you or talking to


While he’s blowing up your ego by giving you constant

attention in a way you’ve always wanted, he’s also disarming

your safeguards. Everything written previously will go out the

window if you allow a man to speed date you at his pace.

Dating like a Spartan is not about how many dates you can get,

or how big the bill is at the end of the night, it’s about proving

character via time and consistency. Before you go on the next

date, you must be prepared to pump the breaks of any man

looking to hustle you.

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