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already sinking? There is a medicine for your CPR


Blue Pill

No matter if he fucked up or if you were the one in the wrong,

you can keep your man and salvage your relationship. That

solution? Give in. Whatever he wants, give it to him.

Whatever he’s done, forgive him. Whatever lie you caught

him in, let it go. Whatever manipulation he’s done to create

that wedge, black it out. If he’s grown tired of you and isn’t

putting in the effort, don’t threaten him, show him that you are

willing to compromise. If his attention has begun to split to

other women, drop your anger and show him you are going to

fight to bring back the spark. If you were being a brat or bully,

caught up in your own baggage, and you broke his heart, get

on your knees. Beg him to take you back by acknowledging

your trust issues or past. Blame daddy, mommy, your exes, and

then go find a therapist to show him you’re trying for “us.” He

will give you another shot. If you want to keep a man, the

solution is as simple as the things listed. Submit and do things

his way. Give him your power and go back to being a

placeholder. In a matter of months, all this stuff about being a

Spartan will fade and you will be back in a mindset that makes

life bearable, on autopilot. Just another peasant pretending to

be a Queen. Just another weak bitch that barks at her man

when he does wrong, but never bites. Another little girl trying

to play house with a man who is still looking for her


You couldn’t even make it to the mountaintop of Sparta,

you made it to basecamp and turned back. You cried for

change but chose to be like every other girl in the world;

content, comfortable, typical. Take that easy road back down

to normalcy where you hypnotize yourself to believe in

fairytales again. No one has to know that you are weak. You

can still walk around with false confidence, telling your fellow

peasants what you will and won’t do for love, give advice that

you would never take, and play make believe on the internet as

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