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white men, Hispanic men, rich men, poor men, and everything

in between, they cross-pollinate in terms of women. They

aren’t grading on a curve, which means you don’t get a cookie

for being the first one in your family with a PhD nor do you

get a second date because you’ve overcome the odds your

cousins couldn’t. The moment you begin that date you’re just

some woman who went to some school and has some job, and

all that matters going forward is your personality type.

Even a woman who doesn’t have anything going for

herself can spin her circumstances like a politician. “I’m

taking night classes; I’m not going to be a waitress forever…I

only work at Wal-Mart because it’s flexible in terms of giving

me time to start and grow my own business.” No matter if

she’s a Bottle Girl at a night club or cashier at Home Depot,

she can make herself sound just as impressive as the next

woman in terms of ambition. Men don’t look down at women

who don’t have much. The stereotype of “don’t ask for a

successful man, if you aren’t a successful woman,” is

unfounded! Look at who men routinely marry, fight over, and

chase down. Men are more concerned with a personality type

that shows him something different from the last girl he took

out. Nevertheless, these Basicas are only a small part of the

dating pool for men who aren’t in lower-class environments.

When men of a certain caliber date, meaning men who are

equal or above you in terms of success and education, they

aren’t running into that many basics; they are running into

women who shop where they shop, party where they party, and

live where they live. Meaning the women they encounter the

most, have the fundamental things that any woman outside of

a hood or trailer park would have: Education and Employment.

For a man, meeting a woman with a degree is as

common as rain in Seattle. A woman with a full-time job who

doesn’t live at home is no longer a cause for excitement once a

man hits his mid-20s because the average woman tends to flee

the nest after college. Your career or job title may be met with

some interest if it’s something impressive conversation-wise,

but in the larger scope, it doesn’t matter to a man who has his

own career. He’s not looking to network with you; he’s

looking to fuck you! Therefore, the floor your office is on, the

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