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of being passionate about something and waking up and doing

that each day. How many passions to have is up to that person,

but life isn’t a Flea Market money grab, I’m here to leave a

mark and that’s why I’m going back to get my masters right

now.” That answer versus, “Fuck yeah, I’ll go back to selling

white tees to get this bread,” shows the difference in life

philosophy. It’s not about right versus wrong, it’s about which

man matches up with your worldview. Some men are Steve

Jobs visionaries, who take action and don’t just dream, others

are Dame Dash, finger in every pie types while others could be

Better Call Sal, get paid by any means necessary hustlers.

Know what you want, because if you go in there like, “I just

want a man who works,” you’re selling yourself short.

An Honest Man = Open Book: You don’t have to think about

the truth, so why would any man hesitate for more than a few

“how do I frame this” moments? Random questions, in

general, catch a man off guard. Would you have sex on the

first date? What complexion would you want your child to be?

Have you ever seen a ghost? Would you let a girl eat your ass?

What do you think we should do with homeless people?

What’s the craziest thing a girl ever did for you? What’s the

most you ever spent on an ex? How many girls you think still

owe you sex? What do you think of Ray Rice’s side of the

story? How would you react if a black dude in a hoody were

walking towards you? You can literally come up with all kinds

of random things that get a man’s mind working, but doesn’t

really tell you much about him. The key is to follow up with

questions that actually matter to you. The bait questions open

it up to deep conversations.

What was this man’s life like growing up? You can’t ask

him to give you a David Copperfield novel, and expect to

learn about his life in a real way. You need to see his thoughts,

and then find out what shaped his thoughts. When’s the last

time you heard something in church that resonated with you?

That’s deeper than, “So when’s the last time you went to

church.” From a real question, you get a real answer. From a

real answer, you can then follow up on the specifics and put a

person on a path of continued honesty. People have stories that

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