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Mission: How Does He Talk Around


When you’re on the phone late at night sweet talking each

other, a man isn’t going to offend you or talk down to you.

Maybe there will be a debate on a topic that you two disagree

on that may show his elitist or narcissistic side, but usually

during the first week, a man will reframe from getting on a

soapbox about a touchy subject. In terms of jokes, a man who

is courting you will also keep those above the belt. Girls can

be sensitive, calling a woman teasing names like, “genius”

after she says something stupid. Making fun of an accent or

how she pronounced a word. Throwing innocent shade at

something physical like her big ears, hairstyle, or nose shape,

even as a joke can ruin a man’s shot. Guys stay away from

things that can be taken the wrong way, but it only lasts until

they become comfortable. This is why deep conversations

followed by the second date works so well because you put

him at ease sooner and lessen his filter so the real him comes

through in terms of how he talks to you in public.

One woman told me how a guy she was seeing for

months got comfortable and called her “Thunders” a name that

referred to the size of her thighs. I saw it as a cute joke, but she

took it to heart due to her history with men verbally bashing

her weight. It wasn’t until they were at one of her family

gatherings that he called her Thunders in front of her mom

who started to laugh. What could have been a quick, “Don’t

say that to me, please, I’m sensitive about that,” became a

huge blowup. They should have crossed that bridge during the

first few weeks. If they were on a date, he would have called

her Thunders, but they didn’t date properly nor bond in a way

that uncovered his jokey persona. All they did was house date

and phone bone. Even after knowing him for two months, he

was still a stranger. When you’re out and around more people

than the waiter or the bartender you hear a man’s thoughts on

society, but you also experience his reactions to you in terms

of his temper, jealousy, or humor.

Let’s say that you want to go to a Paint and Sip, one of

those events where you drink wine and paint pictures. The

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