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#3 You Overthink the Process

What do you say to make him think highly of you? What do

you wear so he finds you sexy? What topics do you talk about

to make him see you as the wifey type? Should you spend

your own money to show him that you bring something to the

table besides looks? YAWN! It’s time to grow the fuck up and

stop dating like a child. You are a Queen. Queens don’t

audition to be someone’s girlfriend; they are the ones holding

the audition. Your past life was based on living up to the

opinion of men, which then created a fear of rejection. Your

pre-Spartan mind was full of nervous energy, because “What if

he doesn’t like me,” was your dominant thought. Your pre-

Spartan mouth opened and all you could say were basic words

and make obvious observations. You tried to come off as witty,

but all you could muster was sassy. It’s cute when a 13-yearold

girl is talking smart mouthed and giving off sass because

it’s all she knows how to do at that age. For a grown ass

woman to sit across from a grown ass man, and be so shy and

nervous that all she can do to show her wit is backtalk, roll

eyes, and get smart is pathetic!

Awkward women aren’t awkward around their best

friends, which means they aren’t really awkward by nature.

The awkwardness stems from being in a situation where you

are overwhelmed by your own nerves and self-consciousness.

You act anxious, come off as goofy, uninteresting, and corny

because you aren’t as relaxed around attractive men. Being

awkward isn’t part of your DNA, it’s part of your WBW—

Weak Bitch Ways. A Spartan is never awkward because there

isn’t a man that can sit across from her and intimidate the most

powerful force on earth. Wonder Woman doesn’t lower her

head around Superman, she stares him in the fucking eyes

because HE is not greater than SHE.

Over thinking is the result of wanting someone to want

you and trying to figure out ways to get that across before you

blow your opportunity. Fuck that. A Spartan is the prize,

therefore, the man becomes the one in the hot seat, trying to

figure out how to make you laugh, make you listen, keep your

attention, and earn another date. Why should he get access to

your Friday night? Why should he get the pleasure of spending

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