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thoughts, then you can’t read! Don’t forget where we started,

you were accepting applications not promoting a man to

boyfriend status. There is no exclusivity until he’s your man,

so don’t fuck up by becoming friends with benefits at this

stage. To get a shot at you as his woman takes longer than two

dates over the span of 10-14 days.

The mission was to expose this man, find out who he

was by making him drop his mask, then see if you were

compatible by pushing him to move at your pace on the

second date. By the end of the second date, you are firmly in

control of this man. He won’t be happy with just dating; he

now wants to take it deeper. This is as deep as he gets. No sex,

no pre-relationship title, and absolutely no taking yourself off

the market for him. He’s in your company. Now, how is he

going to climb that ladder to earn a promotion? The final step

is to see how he handles his new position.

Cali and Stephen have been talking normally for the past

two days since their date. They joke during the day, talk at

night, and it’s as if nothing has changed. It’s now time to see if

Stephen has been properly trained. Cali won’t ask for another

date; she will allow Stephen to offer on his own. If Stephen is

pushing house dates, then he hasn’t learned what kind of

woman Cali is, and most likely, he’ll be dropped by the end of

the week if he doesn’t come up with another suggestion that

fits Cali’s status. If Stephen wants to slip into the routine of

Cali always making the plans, he’ll be cut just as fast, she

needs a take charge king not a sit there simp. The past two

dates were training; a man has to pick up on how you like to

be treated going forward or he wasn’t paying attention. Right

now Stephen is up in brownie points, but he’s also one week

away from being cut off if he doesn’t continue to work for

this. A Spartan only leads a man to water once, if he doesn’t

figure out how to drink after that, then he fails. Bye Bye.

Stephen finally asks Cali if she’s free to meet up with his

sister and her husband. They’re in town for a day and he wants

to introduce his sister to his girlfriend. Pause. Stephen just

made the first mistake of this blooming relationship. He

claimed Cali as if Cali had no say in the decision. Typical

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