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Girlfriend Mentality

Do you even know what it means to be a girlfriend? Pause the

bullshit about “I’m the best kind of girlfriend a man can ask

for,” ego propaganda. Are you really that amazing? Yes, I

know you are loyal and don’t talk to other men. You make

time for him, throw the box even when you have a headache,

and deal with his attitude like a good woman should. Yawn.

Being a girlfriend isn’t about how great you are at putting up

with a man’s shit, not giving out your phone number to new

dick, the time you spend laid up under him, or how much sex

you give him in a week. Are you mature and honest enough to

be the kind of woman who a man falls in love with or are you

the average placeholder who men put up with for the benefits?

A large percentage of women I advise have been engaged

before. One even told me this as if I were supposed to give her

a gold star like, “Oh, you got an engagement ring once, you

must be different.” Fuck your prior engagement! It didn’t lead

to anything, so welcome back to the boat.

Understand what makes a girl start to lose points in her

man’s mind—the headache factor. He can’t talk to you

because you nag. He can’t own up to a mistake because you

bring it back up after it’s supposed to be forgiven. He can’t

help you with your own issues because you fear he will throw

it back at you, so you play the role of this “everything’s fine,”

strong woman. You are the type of girl who says “We need to

talk,” days later instead of talking about a situation when it

first happens. You say basic shit like, “Let me cool off because

if I talk to him, I may say something I can’t take back.”

Really? Are you so primitive in your communication skills

you can’t address an issue without the fear of losing control?

You are a grown woman. Yet here you are sucking your teeth,

rolling your eyes, balling up your fist, and swelling with rage

because you can’t handle a conversation where you say what

must be said. You are so afraid of being honest with a man, so

afraid of unleashing your true feelings, that you wait until it

boils to the point of arguing. Realize how annoying a

personality like that is, and how difficult it is for a man to

confront this because he feels you will see it as an attack, get

defensive, and it’s war. Men put up with this, but only to bide

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