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idea that you need to wish, cross your fingers, or ask other

people to pray for you because this entire life you live is based

on doubting yourself. Few people feel as if they deserve

something for nothing, not even you, your thoughts have

always been “do this to get that,” with a series of obstacles

constantly blocking you from winning. The universe isn’t

going to surprise you with success when you spend 90% of the

time expecting failure. Your waking life is the same as your

dream state. You don’t actively decide what you will dream,

your subconscious has already laid it out before you even go to

sleep. It’s determined by the things that are already on your

mind, which you may not even be aware of because you think

on Autopilot.

Look at your life. You don’t think big, you coast. You

counter positive thoughts with negative thoughts all day long.

You think of something you want, try to hold on to it, then

think of reasons why you won’t get it, which leads you back to

“I hope” or “If I’m lucky.” For each forward thought, you have

a backward thought. Every hour you fire off more counter

thoughts than proactive thoughts because you have built a

world where you have to be realistic, humble, or practical. You

are afraid to be great, not because you don’t want to be great,

but because thought after thought reminds you that someone

like you can’t do it!

You wait until someone else does something remarkable,

then motivate yourself to do the same thing. That only lasts a

short while, then you lose motivation. Your true self is

constantly dropping hints to push you towards your true

potential, but you remain scared! Rejection and

disappointment have become so embedded in your mind, so

you don’t try, you simply live life on autopilot. Direct proof

that thoughts control reality is found in your everyday life.

You hope you can afford to buy something, and that stresses

you about money all week. You worry that someone is mad at

you, so you dread talking to them all day. You skip out on

going to an event because you think other women will be

dressed better, so you create a lie to make it seem as if you’re

not insecure about your body, just too tired to go out. Life

controls you when you allow counter thoughts to back you

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