Appendix 6 - International Music Council

Appendix 6 - International Music Council

Appendix 6 - International Music Council


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many cultural events, in particular 44 folklore festivals and rural celebrations in the Czech<br />

Republic. (http://www.fos.cz/encyklopedie/objekty1.phtml?id=18786&kraj=&lng=2)<br />

EU<br />

The European Union considers the diversity of cultural expression to be one of its dominant<br />

and specific features.<br />

There is a current debate on enhancing it within the Union and its<br />

member states. The main organisations lobbying music like the national music councils that<br />

are traditionally very European and focussed on "serious" music, are willing to put new<br />

accents and are increasingly open to support musical diversity.<br />

Preserving and promoting cultural diversity are among the Community's founding<br />

principles.<br />

(http://europa.eu/rapid/pressReleasesAction.do?reference=MEMO/05/387&format=HTML<br />

&aged=1&language=EN&guiLanguage=en) They are enshrined in the Treaty, under<br />

Article 151, and in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, under Article<br />

22.3. The Treaty has enabled the development of cultural activity, notably the program<br />

"Culture 2000" and its follower "Culture 2007".<br />

(http://ec.europa.eu/culture/eac/culture2007/cult_en.html)<br />

Its main focus lies on cooperation and exchange, in particularly on non-commercial cultural<br />

exchange. It also requires the consideration of cultural dimensions in other EU policies<br />

such as industrial policy in the case of the program MEDIA Plus and the internal market<br />

policy in the context of the Directive "Television Without Frontiers".<br />

(http://europa.eu/scadplus/leg/en/lvb/l24101.htm)<br />

The Treaty also applies for external activities, calling upon the EU and its member states<br />

to<br />

promote in their international relations sustainable development, peaceful coexistence and<br />

intercultural dialogue. The EU's policies support and implement specific objectives<br />

enshrined in the adopted Convention for the<br />

protection and promotion of diversity of forms<br />

of cultural expression, such as developing viable local cultural industries and improving<br />

the<br />

movement of cultural works at global level, especially from developing countries.<br />

There is an ongoing debate about the concept of "cultural diversity" and its implementation<br />

into European cultural policy. The most influential document on the debate on cultural<br />

policy on EU level is the Ruffolo report. In many parts it is very critical, the report itself is<br />

proclaims the "unity of diversities". The report is critical about article 151 of the EU treaty<br />

on cultural diversity<br />

as it speaks only about THE "culture and history" (in singular) of the<br />

European peoples, and thus excludes many people living in Europe or cultural elements of<br />

non-European origin that have influenced or intersected with the European cultural field.<br />

Clause 4 the Treaty establishes a formal relation between culture and other segments of<br />

European policy. The Ruffolo report expresses disappointment about what it delivered in<br />

real. (http://www.budobs.org/eu-documents/eu-documents/ruffolo-report-on-culturalcooperation-in-europe.html)<br />

Protection of cultural diversity is invoked in order to prevent the 'loss of identity' either<br />

through political harmonisation as in the case of EU policy or through global economic<br />

trade developments. The concept<br />

of culture identity in general remains largely<br />

unchallenged and favours fixity, coherence and binary opposition. Identity and diversity as<br />

political concepts, though, can only be employed productively, if they do not refer to<br />

diversity of culture(s) and identities as something fixed and separated from others, because<br />


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