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NOTES<br />

potest. Concerning the relationship between theft and robbery cf. H. Niederländer,<br />

‘Die Entwicklung des furtum und seine etymologischen Ableitungen’, ZRG 67,<br />

1950, 185–260, esp. 228ff.<br />

5 E.g., Tryph. Dig. . . . exempli loco latro spolia quae mihi abstulit posuit apud<br />

Seium etc. Ulp. Dig. . . . alter ex his ad merces comparandas profectus in<br />

<strong>latrones</strong> incidit suamque pecuniam perdidit etc.<br />

6 Call. Dig.<br />

Grassatores, qui praedae causa id faciunt, proximi latronibus habentur. Et si cum<br />

ferro adgredi et spoliare instituerunt, capite puniuntur, utique si saepius atque in<br />

itineribus hoc admiserunt: ceteri in metallum dantur vel in insulas relegantur.<br />

7 Marc. Dig.<br />

8 Call. Dig.<br />

Famosos <strong>latrones</strong> in his locis, ubi grassati sunt, furca figendos compluribus placuit,<br />

ut et conspectu deterreantur alii ab isdem facinoribus et solacio sit cognatis et<br />

adfinibus interemptorum eodem loco poena reddita, in quo <strong>latrones</strong> homicidia<br />

fecissent: nonnulli etiam ad bestias damnaverunt.<br />

9 Seneca, De ira 3.19.2:<br />

Cum latrocinia tenebris abscondi soleant, animadversiones quo notiores sunt plus<br />

in exemplum emendationemque proficiant.<br />

10 Suet. Calig. 30.2:<br />

qui postularent, Tetrinios esse.<br />

11 Modest. Dig. 49.1.6 pr.:<br />

Constitutiones, quae de recipiendis nec non appellationibus loquuntur, ut nihil<br />

novi fiat, locum non habent in eorum persona, quos damnatos statim puniri publice<br />

interest: ut sunt insignes <strong>latrones</strong> vel seditionem concitatores vel duces factionum.<br />

12 Marc. Dig.; cf. Call. Dig. On this see Bellen, Sklavenflucht,<br />

13f. and n. 66. Van Hooff, ‘Ancient Robbers’ 107.<br />

13 Ulp. Dig. For dolus bonus cf. A. Wacke, ‘Circumscribere, gerechter Preis<br />

und die Arten der List’, ZRG 94, 1977, (184–246) 221ff.<br />

14 In the case of Cn. Domitius Corbulo, who in ad 46 brought down Gannascus of the<br />

Canninefates by deception, Tacitus emphasises that the use of trickery against a<br />

deserter and a violator of his faith was not dishonourable (Ann. 11.19.2: nec inritae<br />

aut degeneres insidiae fuere adversus transfugam et violatorem fidei). Gannascus was a<br />

renegade Roman auxiliary who, with Chaucian vessels, had undertaken plundering<br />

raids along the Gallic coast.<br />

15 Gai. Dig. 9.2.4 pr. Coll. 10.7.4 = Paul. Sent. 2. On this cf. A. Wacke, ‘Notwehr<br />

und Notstand bei der Aquilischen Haftung. Dogmengeschichtliches über<br />

Selbstverteidigung und Aufopferung’, ZRG 106, 1989, 469–501.<br />

16 Marc. Dig. 47.16.1 pr. Saturn. Dig. 48.19.6 pr.<br />

17 Menand. Dig.<br />

18 For this formulation, reconstructed from the edict of the praetor Lucullus of 76 bc,<br />

see the study of U. Ebert, Die Geschichte des Edikts de hominibus armatis coactisve,<br />

Heidelberg 1968.<br />

19 Pompon. Dig. 50.16.118 pr.:<br />

‘Hostes’ hi sunt, qui nobis aut quibus nos publice bellum decrevimus: ceteri ‘<strong>latrones</strong>’<br />

aut ‘praedones’ sunt. Cf. Ulp. Dig. 49.15.24 pr.: Hostes sunt, quibus bellum<br />

publice populus Romanus decrevit vel ipso populo Romano: ceteri latrunculi vel<br />

praedones appellantur.<br />

A distinction between bella and latrocinia is also drawn by Seneca in his consolation<br />

for Marcia (Ad Marc. 18.8).<br />

20 Mommsen, Strafrecht (n. 2), 629, n. 4.<br />

21 Ulp. Dig. 32.1 pr.; 49.15.24 pr. Cf. also Marc. Dig. 28.1.13 pr.<br />


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