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53 CIL VIII 2728 + 18122 = ILS 5795 (Lambaesis): profectus sum et in- | ter vias <strong>latrones</strong><br />

sum passus. Nudus saucius e- | vasi cum meis. Since, at ll.15f., we find Clementem<br />

procuratorem conveni, CIL and ILS must be mistaken in proposing the writer himself<br />

as Clemens. For Varius Clemens cf. CIL III 5213f.; 5216 = ILS 1362; 1362a;<br />

1362b, for Valerius Etruscus CIL VIII 2543; 17854; ILS 5351.<br />

54 Cf. esp. Bellen, Sklavenflucht 95ff. Krause, Gefängnisse 26ff., each with further<br />

bibliography.<br />

55 App. Civ. 5.132.547. Suet. Aug. 32.1.<br />

56 Suet. Aug. 32.2; Tib. 37.1. Cf. O. Hirschfeld, ‘Die Sicherheitspolizei in der römischen<br />

Kaiserzeit’ (1891) in idem, Kleine Schriften, Berlin 1913, (576–612) 591. Bellen,<br />

Sklavenflucht 95. Shaw, ‘Bandits’ 34.<br />

57 CIL VIII 2494; 2495 (in the vicinity of the Oasis of El Kantara): burgum Commodianum<br />

speculatorium . . . ad salutem commeantium.<br />

58 CIL III 3385 = ILS 395: ripam omnem bu[rgis] | a solo extructis idem praes[i]- | dis per<br />

loca opportuna ad | clandestinos latrunculo- | rum transitus oppositis. Further references in<br />

Pekáry, Seditio 145. Cf. A. Alföldi, ‘Epigraphica IV’, ArchErt 2, 1941, (40–59) 45<br />

(= AE 1944, 95). According to Alföldi the latrunculi against whom the burgi<br />

Commodiani were erected were no ordinary bandits but rather barbarians raiding<br />

into the frontier-area. Cf. also J. Fitz, ‘Maßnahmen zur militärischen Sicherheit von<br />

Pannonia Inferior unter Commodus’, Klio 39, 1961, 199–214. P. Oliva, Pannonia<br />

and the Onset of Crisis in the Roman Empire, Prague 1962, 309. F. Grosso, La lotta<br />

politica al tempo di Commodo, Turin 1964, 487. Bellen, Sklavenflucht 102. G. Alföldy,<br />

Noricum, London 1974, 204f. for CIL III 5670a = ILS 774, a fourth-century burgusinscription.<br />

On burgi cf. Veget. 4.10. Isid. Orig. 9.4.28. O. Seeck, s.v. burgus,<br />

RE III, 1899, 1066f. G. Behrens, ‘Burgi und burgarii’, Germania 15, 1931, 81–3.<br />

L. Ohlenroth, ‘Römische Burgi an der Straße Augsburg – Kempten – Bregenz’,<br />

BRGK 28, 1938, 122–56. M. Labrousse, ‘Les burgarii et le cursus publicus’, MEFRA<br />

56, 1939, 151–67. E. Penninck, ‘L’origine hellénique de burgus’, Latomus 4, 1940–<br />

45, 5–21.<br />

59 Tert. Apol. 2.8: Latronibus vestigandis per universas provincias militaris statio sortitur.<br />

Cf. A.V. Domaszewski, ‘Die Beneficiarierposten und die römischen Strassennetze’,<br />

Westdeutsche Zeitschrift für Geschichte und Kunst 21, 1902, 158–211, and now J. Ott,<br />

Osterburken I: Corpus der griechischen und lateinischen Beneficiarierinschriften des römischen<br />

Reiches, Stuttgart 1990. Idem, Die Beneficiarier, Stuttgart 1995.<br />

60 Cypr. Ad Donatum 6.117f. (CCL III A p. 6): Cerne tu itinera latronibus clausa, maria<br />

obsessa praedonibus, cruente horrore castrorum bella ubique divisa.<br />

61 By virtue of their mandata principis provincial governors were responsible, inter alia,<br />

for the suppression of <strong>latrones</strong>, sacrilegii, mali homines, plagiarii and fures: Ulp. Dig.<br />

1.18.13 pr. Cf. also Paul. Dig. 1.18.3. Marc. Dig. P. Oxy. 12, 1408.<br />

BGU 646. On this see too Bellen, Sklavenflucht 13f.; 105 and n. 756. Minor,<br />

Brigand 40. Krause, Gefängnisse 28. Cf. further Juv. 8.121f.<br />

62 CIL XIII 5010 = ILS 7007; CIL XIII 6211. On this see L. Flam-Zuckermann,<br />

‘À propos d’une inscription de Suisse (CIL XIII, 5010): étude du phénomène<br />

de brigandage dans l’empire romain’, Latomus 29, 1970, 451–73. G. Mangard,<br />

‘L’inscription dédicatoire du théâtre du Bois l’Abbé à Eu (Seine-Maritime)’, Gallia<br />

40, 1982, 35–51. An agens at | latrunculum operated in Italy in the third century,<br />

CIL XI 6107 = ILS 509, see Th. Mommsen, Römisches Staatsrecht, Bd. II 2, 2 3 , repr.<br />

Graz 1969, 1075, nn. 1–2. Hirschfeld, ‘Sicherheitspolizei’ (n. 56), 592.<br />

63 Marc. Dig. sed et caput mandatorum exstat, quod divus Pius, cum provinciae<br />

Asiae praeerat, sub edicto proposuit, ut irenarchae, cum adprehenderint <strong>latrones</strong>, interrogent<br />

de sociis et receptatoribus etc. See Bellen, Sklavenflucht 103. Cf. also Lib. Or. 25.43.<br />

Diogmitai: HA Marc. 21.7; Amm. 27.9.6. From the third century there were also<br />


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