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NOTES<br />

151 Drinkwater, ‘Peasants and Bagaudae’ (n. 149), 361: ‘. . . the picture that emerges<br />

of the Three Gauls in the second and third centuries ad is of a land in which the<br />

most obvious characteristic was the well-to-do peasant’; cf. Drinkwater, ‘Patronage’<br />

(n. 149).<br />

152 Drinkwater, ‘Peasants and Bagaudae’ (n. 149), 369.<br />

153 Cf. Alföldy, ‘Bellum desertorum’ (n. 100), 374 and n. 44.<br />

154 AE 1959, 141; see above n. 113, with Grosso, La lotta politica (n. 102), 435ff.;<br />

Alföldy, ‘Bellum desertorum’ (n. 100), 371.<br />

155 Alföldy, ‘Bellum desertorum’ (n. 100), 371f.<br />

156 S. Szádeczky-Kardoss, ‘Iuliobona és Maternus felkelése’, ArchErt 83, 1956, 18–23.<br />

Contra, Alföldy, ‘Bellum desertorum’ (n. 100), 372.<br />

157 G. Mangard, ‘L’inscription dédicatoire du théâtre du Bois l’Abbé à Eu (Seine-<br />

Maritime)’, Gallia 40, 1982, 35–51.<br />

158 Cf. above, p. 22.<br />

159 Mangard, ‘L’inscription dédicatoire’ (n. 157), 43.<br />

160 Picard, ‘La république des Pictons’ (n. 105), 555ff. Idem, ‘La révolte de Maternus’<br />

(n. 105), 77–84.<br />

161 H.-G. Pflaum, Les carrières procuratoriennes équestres sous le Haut-Empire Romain, vol. I,<br />

Paris 1960, 535ff. no. 196.<br />

162 CIL III 1919 with 14224 = ILS 2770: adversus Arm[oricano]s.<br />

163 A.R. Birley, Soldier and Civilian in Roman Yorkshire, Leicester 1971, 95, n. 80.<br />

Doubtful, Alföldy, ‘Bellum desertorum’ (n. 100), 373, n. 33.<br />

164 H. Heinen, Trier und das Trevererland in römischer Zeit, Trier 1985, 85f. (with<br />

further bibliography).<br />

165 Ibid.<br />

166 CIL III 10471f.; 10473 = ILS 1153, all from Aquincum; for Castinus see PIR 2<br />

I 566; Birley, African Emperor (n. 2), 215 App. 2, no. 19.<br />

167 Thus already R. Saxer, Untersuchungen zu den Vexillationen des römischen Kaiserheeres<br />

von Augustus bis Diokletian, Cologne/Graz 1967, 49, recently corroborated on the<br />

basis of other epigraphic evidence by Okamura, ‘Social Disturbances’ (n. 51), 289f.,<br />

contrary to the proposition by Birley, African Emperor (n. 2), 176, that Castinus and<br />

his forces belong in the context of Septimius Severus’ British campaign.<br />

168 Herodian 1.10.3f.<br />

169 Herodian 1.10.5–7.<br />

170 HA Pesc. 3.3. On this see Alföldy, ‘Bellum desertorum’ (n. 100), 369f., citing and<br />

agreeing with the older literature. Shaw, ‘Bandits’ 45, accepts and attributes some<br />

symbolic significance to the participation of the three later rivals for power, Severus,<br />

Albinus and Niger, in their capacity as governors of the Three Gauls in the suppression<br />

of Maternus’ revolt: ‘It is a statist morality play in which the bandit (the<br />

anti-state) confronts the emperor (the state), albeit with a reversal of roles.’ In my<br />

view, this is to overstretch the evidence, since the revolt remained confined to<br />

Germania Superior and the involvement of the governors of neighouring provinces<br />

is uncertain.<br />

171 AE 1959, 141; see Alföldy, ‘Bellum desertorum’ (n. 100), 371.<br />

172 Herodian 1.10.7.<br />

173 Shaw, ‘Bandits’ 46.<br />

174 See Hohl, ‘Kaiser Commodus’ (n. 100), 18f. Alföldy, ‘Bellum desertorum’ (n. 100),<br />

373; 375 and n. 45. Shaw, ‘Bandits’ 46.<br />

175 Quotation from Hohl, ‘Kaiser Commodus’ (n. 100), 3.<br />

176 Alföldy, ‘Bellum desertorum’ (n. 100), 375f.<br />

177 Herodian 1.10.3.<br />

178 Dio 76.10.6.<br />


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