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The Mosques of Cairo 165<br />

enter the grand mosque of El-Moayyad, built in 1422, so<br />

close to the Bab-es-Zuweyla gate, the centre of ancient<br />

Cairo, that its minarets were reared on the two old towers<br />

of the gate.<br />

El-Moayyad is as glorious as a cathedral. It is of great<br />

size. Its lofty, battlemented walls, designed to rival Sultan<br />

Hassan's, and exquisitively decorated in Saracen fashion<br />

with sunken panels, run for many feet along the busy<br />

thoroughfare of the Sukkariya.<br />

Like Sultan Hassan's mosque, too, it has a noble portal<br />

at the head of a marble stairway, and its bronze gates<br />

taken from that mosque are the finest in Cairo. The<br />

entrance is on the east side close to the founder's tomb,<br />

which is under a superb dome, but has no regular tombchamber.<br />

When I was there last purple-robed professors<br />

were addressing little classes all round the tomb. The<br />

nobility and dignity of these first chambers is seldom<br />

properly appreciated. Every visitor hurries on to the<br />

splendid coup dceil formed by the great Itivdn, with its vast<br />

and rich screen looking across the glittering courtyard to<br />

the garden. Alone of all the mosques of Cairo, El-Moayyad<br />

has a garden as large as a London square and planted<br />

with gay flowers, soaring palms, and eucalyptus. As a<br />

garden, in a land where anything will grow with Eden<br />

richness by the free use of water, it would not be worth<br />

mentioning were it not that it is the only real garden in<br />

a Cairo mosque. Very restful to the eye, against the blaze<br />

of marbles.<br />

El-Moayyad, with its open court and garden, is absolutely<br />

lovely inside. It is distinguished by the immense screen of<br />

massively carved dark wood which runs the entire length of its<br />

lkvd?i, and by the richness of its decoration ; it has a glorious<br />

painted roof; the marble panelling and platre ajoure and<br />

arabesques of its long eastern wall are superb. The viimbar<br />

is as richly inlaid as an Indian workbox ; the milwab stands<br />

between glorious antique porphyry columns ;<br />

the cool marbles<br />

of the main columns and dikka make a refreshing note<br />

and perhaps the crowning touch is the grand gilt lettering<br />


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