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300 Oriental Cairo<br />

" Who is this King of glory? The Lord strong and mighty,<br />

the Lord mighty in battle.<br />

" Lift up your heads, O ye gates ; even lift them up, ye<br />

everlasting doors ;<br />

and the King of glory shall come in.<br />

" Who is this King of glory ? The Lord of hosts, he is the<br />

King of glory. Selah."<br />

Clouds of incense rolled forth meanwhile, and then a priest<br />

cried out (our schoolmaster friend translating to us) : " Now<br />

rise and stand in the fear of God, to hear the Gospel read by<br />

the venerable Patriarch in Coptic."<br />

It seemed to me a little unfortunate that after this majestic<br />

announcement the venerable Patriarch should not feel equal<br />

to reading it, but should order a Priest, in quite matter-of-<br />

fact tones, to do it for him.<br />

But the scene was a splendid one, for the priest who took<br />

his place was one of those who were wearing those splendid<br />

robes like a.bedazvin sheikh. And as he stood at the reading-<br />

desk between the flickering candles he was silhouetted against<br />

the screen, with its glittering ikons, under that vast crystal<br />

chandelier which bounded our view.<br />

The boys crowded up the pulpit stairs while this was going<br />

on, and while a blind man read something in Arabic from a<br />

blind man's book for a reason which the schoolmaster could<br />

not make clear to me. I hoped that his school was able to<br />

follow him better than I could.<br />

The service was now drawing to an end, and he recommended<br />

us to go on to the Greek church. The Copts and<br />

Greeks, he told us, differ only in one dogma. They are<br />

allowed to pray in each other's churches by their religions.<br />

We drove off as quickly as we could to the Greek cathedral,<br />

which lies behind the Musky on the right-hand side just off<br />

the long street which ends rather picturesquely in the Scentmakers'<br />

bazar. Long before we could get near it, we had<br />

to dismount from our arabeah and proceed on foot past<br />

the stalls where they were selling candles and fireworks for<br />

the celebration. The fireworks were presumably for use outside.<br />

But the Greeks are very indiscreet at Easter time, and<br />

were letting off revolvers in a most alarming way in the street

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