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296 Oriental Cairo<br />

through more than a hour of it before the chief ceremonies<br />

begin. The high-priest, a fine-looking old man, now comes<br />

out of the heykel^ and walks about among the congregation<br />

swinging a censer, and laying his hand on the head of those<br />

nearest to him—on ours among others.<br />

" Nothing approaching to sincere devotion is to be seen<br />

in any faces but those which bow under his favour ; and,<br />

indeed, what is more worthy of veneration than an old man's<br />

blessing ? Still, not a Kopt quits the church ; for the Lord's<br />

Supper is administered— in a way, indeed, which it is painful<br />

to remember. Instead of wafers, small cakes stamped with<br />

a Koptic cross ^U are distributed, and the priest, after<br />

washing his hands, partakes of the bread and wine both<br />

together, breaking the bread into the wine, and eating the<br />

sop with a spoon. He also offers a spoonful to such of the<br />

laymen as are near the heykel. Finally, that no particle<br />

may be lost of the sacred elements that represent the body<br />

and blood of Christ, the priest fills the cup with water, rinses<br />

it round, and after pouring it over his hands, drinks it up.<br />

Verily, as this unclean fluid is to pure wine, so is Koptic<br />

Christianity to the other creeds of Christendom. Before we<br />

quite the keenecseh alms are collected for the poor, and we<br />

also are expected to give. I took no part in the love-feast,<br />

which closed the ceremony, and which, in the early days<br />

of Christianity, was so full of sacred fellowship and signi-<br />

ficance. I assisted at it once at Luksor, and saw my fellow-<br />

Christians buy fresh bread, hot from the oven, and share it<br />

amid much bargaining and quarrelling. On that occasion a<br />

brawl took place in front of the church, and was particularly<br />

horrible as occuring in such a spot. But alas ! these<br />

com-<br />

munities have retained little of Christianity but the name,<br />

and though their members fast most conscientiously, and<br />

devote more time to the services of the Church than any<br />

other sect, the true spirit of their faith is wholly wanting,<br />

and it is not surprising that, in Upper Egypt particularly, all<br />

the noblest and best elements of the Koptic community have<br />

been diverted and absorbed into other confessions.''<br />

The church itself, with its carved screen black with age

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