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170 Gaelic Society of Inuerness.<br />

from the traces they have left behind, that the reiiiuaiit of the<br />

Druids sought shelter in the other Mona after the slauglder, and<br />

had sacred groves and circles t<strong>here</strong> until the time of St Patrick.<br />

Man is, in fact, a perfect museum of Druidic, Celtic, and Scandinavian<br />

antiquities. Before the necromancer's time, and peihajjs<br />

centuries after him as well, the large, big-horned elk or " Ion"<br />

browsed in the glens of ]\Ian, and looked out from the heights<br />

upon the few coracles sailing on the surrounding sea. The Duke<br />

of Athole, who was the last " King in Man," sent to the Edinburgh<br />

Royal Museum an almost pei'fect skeleton of the great elk,<br />

which was found in a bed of marl near Ballaugh, in Man. The<br />

tailless cat exists to tlie present day, and is not at all in danger of<br />

being extinguished by imported cats. The tailless cat is supposed<br />

to have had some friendly connection with the necromancer, and<br />

to have received a perpetual guarantee of existence within the<br />

Kingdom of Man. The Romans themselves must have seen it,<br />

for an altar presei'\'ed at Castleton shows that towards the end of<br />

their rule in Britain they had a military station in Man. The<br />

inscription tells that the altar was erected to Jupiter, by Marcus<br />

Censorius, son of Marcus Flavius Volinius, of the Augustensiau<br />

Legion, Prefect to the Tungrian cohort of the Province of Narbonne.<br />

Had Celts, Norwegians, and Danes inscribed their Manx<br />

monuments in Roman fashion, what a singular tale of changes<br />

they would have told us.<br />

Gildas, who was born in 493, and died in 57C, in his gloomy<br />

treatise " concerning the calamity, ruin, and conquest of Britain "<br />

by the Saxons, mentions incidentally that in x.D. 395, in the reigns<br />

of Arcadius and Honorius, a Scot named Brule was Governor of<br />

Man. It is probable that Brule came to Man from Ireland, as<br />

the Scots had scarcely begun to plant colonies in Scotland at that<br />

time. In 517 the island was conquered by Maelgywn, Prince of<br />

North Wales, and it continued to be ruled by a dynasty of his race<br />

until Anarawd, the last Welsh King of Man, died in 913.<br />

Shortly afterwards the Scandina\ian sea-ro\er, Gorree or Orry,<br />

concjuered the island, and formed the Kingdom of Man and the<br />

Isles. Gorree is supposed to have instituted the Tynwald Court,<br />

established the Taxiaxi, now called the House of Keys, and<br />

divided the island into sheadings. The last king of his dynasty<br />

di(;d about 1040. He was succeeded by Goddard, son of Sygtrig,<br />

King of the Danes. This Goddard was, after confusions and<br />

invasions, succei'ded l)y his .son Fingal. Goddard Crovan or<br />

Chrouban, son of Harold the Black of Iceland, in 1077 slew<br />

King Fingal, completely subdued Man, and brought most of

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