COUV ACTES - Psychologie communautaire

COUV ACTES - Psychologie communautaire

COUV ACTES - Psychologie communautaire


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Community Psychology: Common Values, Diverse Practices“Let’s fly” : A system directed not only to promote the wellbeingat school and in all the systems around it but also to reduceschool dispersion and the potential negative psychologicalconsequences of thisby Antonio Restori 1 , Romano Superchi 2 , Barbara Balestra 3 , Gianandrea Borelli 3 ,Gabriele Caselli 3 , Michela Dallaromanina 3 , Cristiana De Sensi 3 , Jennifer Faietti 3 ,Francesca Giacobbi 3 , Valentina Nucera 3 & Martina Benazzi 4Many countries have to deal with problems which arise from educational-school backgrounds. What is theposition of the psychologist in these contexts and therefore what background do they have ?In 1975 the school psychologist stopped working inside the schools to enter the national health system as aclinical expert earning 30% more. Since then the school has felt deprived of an important educationalpsychologicalcompetence in its inner system. During the following years the school has tried to keep in contactwith the psychologists working in the public health system; unfortunately they had decided to only speak thelanguage of the clinical psychologist so the communication has become more and more complicated.The presence of an educational psychologist at school is widespread all over Europe.Although the studies concerning the intervention of psychologists at school claim that Italy is the only country notto have this kind of resource at school, a small number of colleagues are called for help in situations that aresimilar to those of their European colleagues, such as: orientation, affectivity education, learning and behaviourproblems, intercession between students/teachers; prevention against drug use; teacher and parent training andso on…The only difference which is important to underline is that in some countries, like France, the 8000 psychologistsworking in schools are paid by government funds, while the 1500 Italian psychologists working in schools are paidby those virtuous schools which have been able to save some money from their inner resources.I believe this critical state in Italy is due to the fact that psychologists are often “called” to work at school atrandom, without any coordination at a social and political level. In fact the feeling is that in Italy we not only don’tdo enough for the schools but even the little we do is carried out badly.At the same time, however I have the feeling that in some ways in all European countries the schoolpsychologist’s activities are disconnected to the net of institutions around the schools.1Executive Psychologist-Psychotherapist, responsible for the prevention project for school dispersion “Let’s fly”2Executive Psycologist-Psychotherapist, Coordinator of the Social-Health services of Parma Mental health dpt.3Psychologists of the project Let’s fly4Voluntary psychologist267

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