COUV ACTES - Psychologie communautaire

COUV ACTES - Psychologie communautaire

COUV ACTES - Psychologie communautaire


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Community Psychology: Common Values, Diverse PracticesThe ecological engagement as a research and interventionmethodby Maria Angela Mattar Yunes 1 , Narjara Mendes Garcia 1 , Angela Torma Pietro 1 andSimone de Biazzi Ávila Batista Silveira 1 .IntroductionThe Ecological Engagement is a methodology that has as theoretical basis, the Bioecology of HumanDevelopment (Bronfenbrenner, 1979/1996; Bronfenbrenner, 1999; Cecconello & Koller, 2004; Prati, Couto,Moura, Poletto & Koller, 2008). It proposes the understanding of human development under the scope of fourinterrelated dimensions: Person, Process, Context and Time (Bronfenbrenner & Morris, 1998; Bronfenbrenner &Evans, 2000). Those dimensions should not be taken as a priori categories but they would serve to give limits tothe focus of the data which are going to be collected as well as its posterior analysis. Therefore, the PPCT modeloffer directions to the researcher who should choose to “turn to look at” in a holistic and systemic way. In general,this search will concentrate in significant interactions among people, contexts and symbols which compose theproximal and distant studied environments.It is an efficient versatile methodological resource that adjusts at each researched reality and allowscomprehension and intervention in an ecological-systemic scope of the development of people and groups intheir natural contexts. The procedures involves the researcher engagement in different contexts of developmentin order to observe and communicate - through informal contacts, conversations and interviews – especially withthe persons who are part of the everyday life of the environments.The investigations and interventions to be presented in this text have shown that the researchers “ecological look”on the PPCT dimensions should be led by the following theoretical criteria proposed in details by the bioecologyof human development of Bronfenbrenner and Morris (see the full article published in 1998). Then, the researchershould turn to:THE PERSON: refers to the biopsychological characteristics of the persons in the investigated contexts, bothinherited and developed;THE PROCESSES: are the enduring forms of proximal, reciprocal and regularly more complex forms ofinteractions between the persons and other participants, as well as those persons and the objects or symbolswhich are part of the immediate or distant environment;1Universidade Federal do Rio Grande, FURG. http://www.ceprua.furg.br - CEP-RUA in Rio Grande, RS, BRAZIL. E-mail:mamyunes@yahoo.com.br289

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