COUV ACTES - Psychologie communautaire

COUV ACTES - Psychologie communautaire

COUV ACTES - Psychologie communautaire


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Community Psychology: Common Values, Diverse PracticesGenro, T. i Souza, Ubitaran (1997): Orçamento participativo. Sao Paolo: Ed. Fundaçao Perseu Abramo.Marion Sintoner, Y. (2003): Porto Alegre, la experanza de otra democracia. Madrid: Editorial Debate.Santos, Boaventura de Sousa (2006), "The University in the 21st Century: Towards a Democratic andEmancipatory University Reform", in Rhoads, Robert e Torres, Carlos Alberto (Ed.), The University, State, andMarket. The Political Economy of Globalization in the Americas. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 60-100.Villasante, T.R. y Garrido, J. (coord)(2002): Metodologías y presupuestos participativos. Vol 3 Construyendociudadanía. Madrid: IEPALA Editorial.54

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