COUV ACTES - Psychologie communautaire

COUV ACTES - Psychologie communautaire

COUV ACTES - Psychologie communautaire


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Community Psychology: Common Values, Diverse Practicesthat higher levels of conflict between home and school levels reflect lower wellbeing (Arunkumar, Midgley &Urdan, 1999). Finally it is expected that the sense of efficacy perceived by teachers links with the perception of apositive relationship based on mutual trust between school and family.Respondents of the study were: 175 Italian adolescents, 175 adolescents from East European countries and 80adolescents from South America. The project involved also 262 Italian teachers.Data were collected through a survey including: the Socio-Anagraphic Schedule, the Teacher and ClassmateSupport Scale (Torsheim, Wold & Samdal, 2000), the Perceived Social Support from Family Scale (Procidano &Heller, 1983), the Dissonance between the Home and School Scale (Midgley et al., 2000), the General HealthQuestionnaire (Goldberg & Williams, 1988), the Trust Scale From the Family-School Relationship Survey(Teacher Form) (Adams & Sandra, 2000) and the Teacher's Sense of Efficacy Scale (Tschannen-Moran &Woolfolk, 2001).Participants’ mean age was 13,96 years. They were equally divided by sex (47.81% males, 52.19% females) inthe three ethnic groups (Italian, East European, South American).For what concerns teachers women were 66%.School results, reported from the adolescents, differ in significant way between the three ethnic groups(F(2,430)=20,92, p

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