Modélisation de l'écoulement diphasique dans les injecteurs Diesel

Modélisation de l'écoulement diphasique dans les injecteurs Diesel

Modélisation de l'écoulement diphasique dans les injecteurs Diesel


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CAV2001:sessionB6.005 6Depending on the exit flow configurations, several cases have to be consi<strong>de</strong>red.2.4.1 Subsonic outflowIn that case, all λ i ’s are positive, except for i = 1. That means that the L i ’s can be estimatedfrom the interior values (as waves move outward), thanks to the equations 15, whereas the L 1 valueis obtained by consi<strong>de</strong>ring the chamber pressure (P ch ) as constant. If the outlet pressure is notclose to the P ch prescribed value, incoming wave will enter the domain in or<strong>de</strong>r to bring the outletpressure value back to P ch .L 1 can be simply expressed by :L 1 = κ(P − P ch ), (16)where a mechanical analogy with the spring is obvious. The main point now is to <strong>de</strong>termine κ inor<strong>de</strong>r to get the best behaviour as possible at the exit. It can be noted that, by setting κ = 0, weget the so-called “perfectly non-reflecting” conditions.2.4.2 Sup ersonic outflowAs we have seen in section 2.2, sound speed is strongly <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt on void fraction. As cavitationcan reach the injector exit, local sound speed can <strong>de</strong>crease to very low values, leading to localsupersonic flow. In that case, all L i ’s are estimated from the interior of the domain as no wave canenter from the exit. The set of equations 15 is then used to compute L i values. This statement isvery important : when cavitation reaches the injector exit, no relaxation over the exit pressure P chis ma<strong>de</strong>, and cavitation can normally leave the domain, without any numerical collapse.2.4.3 Subsonic inflowThe topology of the flow in <strong>Diesel</strong> injector can lead to “hydraulic flip” (see Y ule et al. 1998,Tamaki et al. 1998, Soteriou et al. 1995), as recirculation zones reach the orifice outlet. In thatcase, the flow enters the domain and the λ i ’s are negative except λ 4 . So L 4 can be calculated fromthe interior values (see equation 15), and the other wave amplitu<strong>de</strong>s are given by the followingequations :L 1 = κ(P − P ch ),(17)L 2 = L 3 = Sup ersonic inflowThis case hardly happens but to be consistent one has to mo<strong>de</strong>l this configuration too. Forsupersonic inflow, all propagation velocities are negative, so all L i values need to be mo<strong>de</strong>led fromoutsi<strong>de</strong> of the domain.L 1 = κ(P − P ch ),L 2 = L 3 = 0,(18)L 4 = κ(P − P ch ).3 Validation of the cavitation mo<strong>de</strong>l3.1 Collapse of a symmetric bubbleIn or<strong>de</strong>r to validate the numerical scheme and the barotropic equation of state, one has tosimulate a well-known test case : the collapse of a symmetric bubble in an infinite domain. Thestudy of the bubble dynamics has been performed by Rayleigh and P<strong>les</strong>set, consi<strong>de</strong>ring that :– the bubble shape remains spherical,

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