registration document France Telecom 2009 - Orange.com

registration document France Telecom 2009 - Orange.com

registration document France Telecom 2009 - Orange.com


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financial information concerning the issuer’s assets and liabilities, financial position and profits and losses<br />

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Other bonds<br />

The table below provides a breakdown of <strong>France</strong> <strong>Tele<strong>com</strong></strong> S.A. bonds outstanding at December 31, <strong>2009</strong>:<br />

(in millions of euros)<br />

Initial currency<br />

Initial nominal amount<br />

(in millions of<br />

currency units)<br />

Maturity<br />

Outstanding at<br />

Nominal interest<br />

rate (%) Dec. 31, <strong>2009</strong> Dec. 31, 2008<br />

Bonds maturing in <strong>2009</strong> 2,779<br />

EUR 300 J une 09, 2010 3,813 300 300<br />

FRF (2) 3,000 J uly 25, 2010 5,700 457 457<br />

EUR 1,000 O ctober 14, 2010 3,000 1,000 1,000<br />

EUR (4) 1,400 N ovember 10, 2010 6,625 1,187 1,400<br />

USD (1) (4) 3,500 M arch 01, 2011 7,750 2,342 2,432<br />

GBP (1) 600 M arch 14, 2011 7,500 659 614<br />

JPY 15,000 M ay 10, 2011 1,820 113 119<br />

JPY 7,000 M ay 10, 2011 1,218 53 55<br />

CAD 250 J une 23, 2011 4,950 165 147<br />

EUR 750 J anuary 23, 2012 4,625 750 750<br />

EUR 1,225 F ebruary 21, 2012 4,375 1,225 1,225<br />

CHF 400 A pril 11, 2012 2,750 270 269<br />

GBP 250 M ay 24, 2012 5,500 281 263<br />

EUR 3,500 J anuary 28, 2013 7,250 3,500 3,500<br />

CHF (3) 500 S eptember 06, 2013 3,375 337<br />

EUR (3) 1,000 J anuary 22, 2014 5,000 1,000<br />

EUR 750 M ay 22, 2014 5,250 750 750<br />

USD (3) 1,250 J uly 08, 2014 4,375 868<br />

CHF 400 D ecember 04, 2014 3,500 270 269<br />

EUR 1,150 O ctober 14, 2015 3,625 1,150 1,150<br />

GBP (3) 750 M ay 12, 2016 5,000 844<br />

CAD 200 J une 23, 2016 5,500 132 118<br />

EUR 1,900 F ebruary 21, 2017 4,750 1,900 1,900<br />

EUR 100 D ecember 04, 2017 2,600 100 100<br />

GBP 500 De cember 20, 2017 8,000 563 525<br />

EUR 1,550 M ay 22, 2018 5,625 1,550 1,550<br />

EUR 465 J uly 25, 2018 3% + EUR HICP (5) 465 465<br />

USD (3) 1,250 J uly 08, 2019 5,375 868<br />

GBP 450 N ovember 10, 2020 7,250 507 472<br />

EUR 500 N ovember 13, 2022 4,219 500 500<br />

GBP 350 D ecember 05, 2025 5,250 394 367<br />

GBP 500 N ovember 20, 2028 8,125 563 525<br />

USD (1) 2,500 M arch 01, 2031 8,500 1,709 1,769<br />

EUR 1,500 J anuary 28, 2033 8,125 1,500 1,500<br />

GBP 500 J anuary 23, 2034 5,625 563 525<br />

GBP (4) 250 M arch 29, 2037 6,000 267 263<br />


(1) Bonds with a step-up clause (clause that triggers an increase in interest payments if <strong>France</strong> <strong>Tele<strong>com</strong></strong> ’s credit rating from the ratings agencies drops).<br />

(2) These bonds, initially denominated in French francs, have been converted into euros<br />

(3) Bonds or new tranches issued during <strong>2009</strong>.<br />

(4) Bonds subject to partial early redemption in <strong>2009</strong>.<br />

(5) EUR HICP: Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices, calculated by the European Central Bank.<br />

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<strong>France</strong> <strong>Tele<strong>com</strong></strong> S.A.’s bonds at December 31, <strong>2009</strong> are repayable at maturity, and no specifi c guarantees have been given in relation<br />

to their issuance. Certain bonds may be redeemed in advance, at the request of the issuer.<br />

<strong>2009</strong> REGISTRATION DOCUMENT / FRANCE TELECOM<br />


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