SEEU Review vol. 5 Nr. 2 (pdf) - South East European University

SEEU Review vol. 5 Nr. 2 (pdf) - South East European University

SEEU Review vol. 5 Nr. 2 (pdf) - South East European University


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Eneida Sema (LL.M)<br />

синдикалните организации со државата , како и понатамошниот развој<br />

на социалниот диалог е многу битен чекор во регулирание на<br />

понатамошните работни односи. Меѓутоа , спроведувањето на<br />

работниот код (закон) има значајна улога во стабилизирање на<br />

работните односи во општо.Овде,значајна улога добиваат државните<br />

институции,поточно : Министерство за труд и социална<br />

политка,Трудосоцијален национален совет, Државен инспекторат за<br />

труд.<br />

Introduction<br />

The Constitution of the Republic of Albania and the Albanian legislation<br />

in general, have been inspired and perceived in accordance with the<br />

principles, aims and goals of international acts, proclaiming the protection of<br />

freedoms and human rights, in general and the protection of the rights of<br />

workers in particular as the foundation of the Albanian legal system.<br />

Chapter IV of the Constitution, the sanction on "Freedoms and Economic,<br />

Social and Cultural Rights", respectively in articles 49-52 explicitly states<br />

that anyone is entitled to make his livelihood by lawful work that he/she has<br />

already chosen or accepted. Anyone is free to choose his/her profession, kind<br />

of job and his/her system of professional qualification. Employees are<br />

entitled to social protection at work and are entitled to freely join trade<br />

unions for the protection of their interests at work. The right of employees to<br />

strike that has to do with the working relationships, is guaranteed as well.<br />

Article 52 of the Constitution expressly says that anyone is entitled to<br />

Social Insurance both at an old age or when he/she is incapable of working,<br />

under a system established by law.<br />

Also, the Albanian State through Law No.8960, dated October 24, 2002,<br />

has ratified the <strong>European</strong> Social Charter as amended. In Articles 1, 2, 3, 4, 5<br />

and 6, it is provided respectively:<br />

‣ The right to labor,<br />

‣ The right to fair working conditions,<br />

‣ The right to safe and healthy working conditions,<br />

‣ The right to have a fair salary,<br />


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