Fluids Hypertension Syndromes: Migraines, Headaches, Normal ...

Fluids Hypertension Syndromes: Migraines, Headaches, Normal ...

Fluids Hypertension Syndromes: Migraines, Headaches, Normal ...


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<strong>Fluids</strong> <strong>Hypertension</strong> <strong>Syndromes</strong> – Dr. Leonardo Izecksohn – page 221<br />

Vertebro-basilar and other brain artery diseases, its signs and symptoms. It must not be confounded<br />

with the inner ear’s fluids hypertension.<br />

Other familial and hereditary sicknesses not related with the <strong>Fluids</strong> <strong>Hypertension</strong> <strong>Syndromes</strong>. Which<br />

are they? Are they related with caffeine, wine, beer, excessive water drank, dural sinus thrombosis or<br />

patent foramen ovale?<br />

We did not made statistics of these secondary headaches symptomatic of other diseases.<br />

XIV-6) Migraine and pregnancy:<br />

“Migraine developing during pregnancy may indicate an underlying structural or functional disorder,<br />

e.g., cerebral aneurysms. <strong>Headaches</strong> caused by cerebral arteriovenous malformations often present as<br />

migraine with aura. Cerebral venous thrombosis (common during pregnancy and the puerperium) may<br />

manifest with migraine-like visual disturbance and headache. Idiopathic intracranial hypertension or intracranial<br />

hypertension secondary to cerebral venous thrombosis or coincidental brain mass can manifest<br />

as a continuous and increasing headache. Spinal procedures linked to delivery can cause a low<br />

(Cerebrospinal fluid) pressure headache. Pregnant women with migraine should not take drugs unless<br />

the frequency and severity of migraine is life threatening to the mother or fetus. Acetaminophen can be<br />

used to relieve pain. Meperidine suppositories can relieve severe pain. Pregnant women should not use<br />

aspirin, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or vasoconstrictors. Behavioral modification, identification,<br />

and elimination of foods that trigger attacks, magnesium supplementation, and low doses of propranolol<br />

3-4 times/day in severe cases may prevent migraine in pregnant women.” (Welch K M).<br />

With our due respect to Dr. Welch experience, who might have medicated thousands of pregnant women,<br />

while we only medicated few ones, we suggest a different treatment to them:<br />

- To withdraw any caffeine, chocolate, wine, and beer from the pregnant diet.<br />

- When necessary, take Acetazolamide 125 mg (half pill) orally daily, at lunch.<br />

- Shorten the excessive water drinks. The pregnant woman must not be over-hydrated.<br />

This will cure the idiopathic intracranial hypertension and migraines, besides curing some edema<br />

anywhere in the body. After one week of caffeine withdrawal headaches, if the headaches does not<br />

cure, the physician must search for glaucoma or any structural disorder in the brain.<br />

XIV-7) Patients' misconceptions:<br />

A- There are patients with visible damage in their Optic Nerves’ disks caused by the Ocular or<br />

Cerebrospinal fluid pressures rises, and without any ache or other symptom, as demonstrated by the<br />

above statistics. We found very difficult to convince these patients to stop their pleasant drinks before<br />

their damage aggravate or cause blindness.<br />

B- There are patients who came to the medical examination determined “to have an eye-glasses<br />

prescription that will heal all his problems”. Whether they have some Fluid <strong>Hypertension</strong> Syndrome,<br />

there are three possibilities, all bad ones:<br />

a- If the physician prescribes only the glasses, the patient will continue suffering and consider that<br />

“the physician is incompetent and his eyeglasses were wrongly prescribed”.<br />

b- If besides the glasses prescription, the physician carefully mentions the other disease and the necessity<br />

of its treatment, the patient gives little credibility to him and to the glasses prescription.<br />

c- If the physician refuses to prescribe the glasses, and first explains and prescribes the Fluid <strong>Hypertension</strong><br />

therapy, the patient may feel as badly attended.<br />

C- There are patients convinced that “which is pertaining to the nature can not be harmful”.<br />

We explain that the snake's poison is natural and can kill. Arsenic and many other poisons are natural.<br />

So it is the Caffeine: it is a vegetable natural poison.<br />

The water is also natural, but its excessive drinks are harmful.

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