Fluids Hypertension Syndromes: Migraines, Headaches, Normal ...

Fluids Hypertension Syndromes: Migraines, Headaches, Normal ...

Fluids Hypertension Syndromes: Migraines, Headaches, Normal ...


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<strong>Fluids</strong> <strong>Hypertension</strong> <strong>Syndromes</strong> – Dr. Leonardo Izecksohn – page 224<br />

4- Caffeine alone and in short time seldom is an etiology to any sickness. The caffeine drank by<br />

healthy people without any other etiology, in few hours it shows only good effects. Even when ingested<br />

by the sick people, its bad effects usually manifest only after hours, or when sleeping, or after<br />

days of its use. When the caffeine is added with any other etiology or predisposition, or with months<br />

or years of its daily continuous use, it is a strong worsening factor for any sickness that the patient<br />

has predisposition to suffer. Caffeine is the main etiology of more than the 490 signs, symptoms, and<br />

sicknesses above listed on the Summary.<br />

5- At the end of the research, caffeine becomes invisible. When the caffeine becomes statistically<br />

evident as an etiology or as a risk factor, some researchers overlook it, and do not mention caffeine in<br />

their conclusions. They see everything, except caffeine. This is a common conclusion: “We did not<br />

find convincing evidence of an association between caffeine intake and the...”. Why caffeine is invisible<br />

to some medical researchers? Are the doctors dependent to caffeine refusing to see it? Their<br />

vices turn them blind?<br />

We conclude that Doctors, when addicted to caffeine, chocolate, wine, beer, or other toxin, do<br />

not accept the incrimination of their vices, and deny every evidences. Doctors are people, just<br />

like all other people, and they do not believe that they are addicted. Consequently, the patient with<br />

the addiction similar to the doctor's addiction is never diagnosed, and the research will conclude<br />

nothing.<br />

6- Disqualification of all evidences. After many researches showing strong evidences of the pathological<br />

effect of caffeine causing some sickness, anyone doctor disqualify all researches, and this disqualification<br />

becomes “the truth” and is spread all over the world. It is easy; it does not need much<br />

effort: it needs only a few very well chosen words, a famous doctor that is available to this, and<br />

some caffeine industry or institution to pay for its diffusion on TV and medical media.<br />

Most of these above difficulties can be avoided, by:<br />

To research the sick people, because they are suffering now the caffeine effects.<br />

The interviewee must feel that the interviewer will help him somehow. In order to elicit the individual<br />

daily beverages details, it is essential a personal interview, with good rapport between the interviewer<br />

and each interviewee.<br />

The interviewer must carefully ask and hear from these suffering patients the detailed information<br />

about their daily beverages. It is useless a global question: “How many glasses do you drink each<br />

day?” It is necessary to detail, and carefully hear any answer:<br />

- “How many glasses do you drink:<br />

“At awakening?”<br />

“After awakening, until the lunch?”<br />

“At the lunch?”<br />

“Afternoon, until the dinner?”<br />

“At the dinner?”<br />

“After the dinner?”<br />

“Before sleeping?”<br />

“When you wake during the night?”<br />

“What size is your drinking glass”?<br />

Then you may add them up and see the drinks volume.<br />

The figures from the patient who maintains the caffeine consumption can be confronted with other<br />

who eliminate the caffeine. It has much more to discover about these sicknesses than we discovered<br />

until now.

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