Fluids Hypertension Syndromes: Migraines, Headaches, Normal ...

Fluids Hypertension Syndromes: Migraines, Headaches, Normal ...

Fluids Hypertension Syndromes: Migraines, Headaches, Normal ...


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<strong>Fluids</strong> <strong>Hypertension</strong> <strong>Syndromes</strong> – Dr. Leonardo Izecksohn – page 320<br />

The medical industries profit with the therapies of the people's sicknesses caused by these vices. The<br />

sickness prevention is not profitable. So, the medical industries prefer to medicate them than to prevent<br />

or to cure them. The medical media only advertises to the physicians the profitable medicine.<br />

So, the physicians are stimulated only to medicate than to prevent or to cure these sicknesses and<br />

vices.<br />

As these vices are spread world-wide, there are increasing people sick from these intoxicants, and<br />

there are increasing profits to the beverages, governments and medical industries.<br />

XX – 42) We conclude that the patients suffering from the Ocular, Cerebrospinal and Inner ear <strong>Fluids</strong><br />

<strong>Hypertension</strong> <strong>Syndromes</strong>, as <strong>Migraines</strong>, Variants, <strong>Headaches</strong>, Rhinitis, Sinusitis, Otitis, Neuralgias,<br />

Fibromyalgia, other signs, symptoms and sicknesses, and many sicknesses caused or worsened by caffeine,<br />

are curable, because most of our patients have cured with the above orientation. Therefore, their<br />

definitive damage and sicknesses, as <strong>Normal</strong> (Peak) Tension Glaucoma, Benign Intracranial <strong>Hypertension</strong>,<br />

Sensori-neural Hearing Loss, Ménière disease, neurological disorders, some cancers and others,<br />

are preventable.<br />

We apologize to those patients that we could not cure before, because we did not know enough about<br />

these syndromes. From now on, we shall not do this medical fail again!<br />

I am grateful to live in a country and time where there is freedom to write and say these truths,<br />

without being arrested or burned on a stake.<br />

XXI) - Quotes and References from the text<br />

There are published many similar papers and we could not mention all of them, so we mentioned<br />

only these below.<br />

We are thankful to all doctors who taught us some knowledge about these sicknesses. Their participation<br />

was essential to this e-book. We are grateful and proud to cite them and quote their excellent<br />

work:<br />

1. Abbott R D, Petrovitch H, White L R, Masaki K H, Tanner C M, Curb J D, Grandinetti A,<br />

Blanchette P L, Popper J S, and Ross G W. Frequency of bowel movements and the future risk of Parkinson’s<br />

disease. Neurology. 2001 Aug 14;57(3):456-62.<br />

2. Abuzayan I, Paraskavi U, and Turner S W. Changes to exhaled nitric oxide in asthmatic children<br />

drinking a caffeine-containing cola drink. Pediatr Pulmonol. 2010 Aug 17. Epub ahead of print.<br />

3. Adams R D and Resnik W H. Pain. In: Harrison T R and others, eds. Principles of Internal Medicine,<br />

New York, USA, McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1962, 4 ed., part 2, section 1:13.<br />

4. Adeney K L, Williams M A, Milleer R S, Frederick I O, Sorensen T K, and Luthy D A. Risk of preeclampsia<br />

in relation to maternal history of migraine headaches. J Matern Neonatal Med. 2005<br />

Sep;18(3):167-72.<br />

5. Ader DN, South-Paul J, Adera T, Deutster PA. Cyclical mastalgia: prevalence and associated health<br />

and behavioral factors. J Psychosom Obstet Gynaecol 2001 Jun; 22(2):71-6.<br />

6. Aegidius K, Zwart JA, Hagen K, Schei B, Stovner LJ. Oral contraceptives and increased headache<br />

prevalence: the Head-HUNT Study. Neurology 2006, Feb 14; 66(3): 349-53.<br />

7. al'Absi M, Lovallo W R, McKey B, Sung B H, Whitsett T L, and Wilson M F. Hypotalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical<br />

responses to psychological stress and caffeine in men at high and low risk for hypertension.<br />

Psychosom Med. 1998 Jul-Aug;60(4):521-7.<br />

8. Allena M, Magis D, De Pasqua V, Schoenen J, and Bisdorff A R. The vestibulo-collic reflex is abnormal<br />

in migraine. Cephalalgia. 2007 Oct;27(10):1150-5.<br />

9. Allred K F, Yackley K M, Vanamala J, and Allred C D. Trigonelline is a novel phytoestrogen in coffee<br />

beans. J Nutr. 2009 Oct; 139(10):1833-8.

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