Fluids Hypertension Syndromes: Migraines, Headaches, Normal ...

Fluids Hypertension Syndromes: Migraines, Headaches, Normal ...

Fluids Hypertension Syndromes: Migraines, Headaches, Normal ...


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<strong>Fluids</strong> <strong>Hypertension</strong> <strong>Syndromes</strong> – Dr. Leonardo Izecksohn – page 235<br />

(c) a statistically significant increase in the incidence of exocrine adenomas of the pancreas in both<br />

male and female breeders and offspring; and<br />

(d) an increased incidence, albeit not statistically significant, of pancreatic islet cell carcinomas in females.<br />

On the basis of the results of this study, excessive consumption of regular soft-drinks should be<br />

generally discouraged, in particular for children and adolescents.” (Belpoggi F, and others).<br />

“Aneuploidy has been implicated as an important step leading to various neoplasias... Caffeine induces<br />

aneuploidy through asymmetrical cell division... Most caffeine-treated mitotic cells showed<br />

misalignment of chromosomes at the metaphase plates, and were arrested at prometaphase. Mitotic-arrest<br />

deficient 2 depletion rescued the caffeine-induced delay of mitotic exit, indicating that caffeine-induced<br />

prolongation of mitosis was caused by activation of a mitotic-arrest deficient 2-dependent<br />

spindle checkpoint... Cell division in the presence of caffeine was not symmetrical and resulted in aneuploid<br />

cell production.” (Katsuki Y, and others).<br />

XVI - 39) Cardiac Arrest (primary): “High usual caffeine consumption (> or = 687 mg per day) was<br />

associated with a modestly elevated risk of primary cardiac arrest. The elevated risk associated with<br />

high caffeine consumption appeared to be restricted to never-smokers.” (Weinmann S, and others).<br />

XVI - 40) Cardiac Arrhythmias: Atrial and Ventricular. Fetal tachycardia.<br />

- Atrial: “We present a case of caffeine-induced atrial fibrillation which spontaneously reverted to normal<br />

sinus rhythm. Caffeine is a methylxanthine alkaloid that can cause various supraventricular and<br />

ventricular arrhythmias. It is important to improve public awareness of the potential adverse effects of<br />

high consumption of caffeine-containing products as fatal and serious events can occur.”(Artin B, and<br />

others).<br />

- Ventricular: “Moderate tea intake (< 14 cups per week) during the year prior to infarction is associated<br />

with a lower prevalence, and higher coffee intake (> 14 cups per week) with a slightly higher prevalence,<br />

of ventricular arrhythmias among patients hospitalized with acute myocardial infarction”<br />

(Mukamal K J, and others).<br />

- Fetal tachycardia: “Caffeine ...blocks A1 and A2 adenosine receptors and in high doses inhibits the<br />

phosphodiesterase activity. Caffeine also decreases calcium ion accumulation in the mitochondria of<br />

cardiomyocytes... Caffeine and coffee increase the arterial wall stiffness, blood pressure and endothelium-dependent<br />

flow mediated dilatation. Caffeine also elevates cholesterol and homocysteine blood<br />

level... Acceleration of acute ischemic cardiac disease correlates with high coffee intake... and may induce<br />

intrauterine growth retardation. Due to chronotropic and inotropic activity it may induce fetal tachycardia<br />

and/or extrasystolic beats”. (Dworzanski W, and others).<br />

XVI - 41) Cardiac Impairment of Ventricular Function: “In young healthy subjects,…Caffeine assumption<br />

alone does not exert any acute effect on ventricular long-axis function, but potentiates the<br />

negative effect of cigarette smoking by abolishing right ventricular supernormal response and leading<br />

to a simultaneous impairment in both left ventricular and right ventricular diastolic function.” (Giacomin<br />

E, and others).<br />

XVI - 42) Cardiac underdevelopment and increase in body fat: “Pregnant mice (C57BL/6) were<br />

treated with caffeine (20 mg/kg, i.p.)... This caffeine dose results in a circulating level that is equivalent<br />

to 2 cups of coffee in humans. Exposure to a single dose of caffeine inhibited cardiac ventricular development<br />

by 37% . When offspring were studied in adulthood, we observed that caffeine treatment alone<br />

resulted in a decrease in cardiac function of 38%, as assessed by echocardiography. We also observed a<br />

20% increase in body fat with male mice exposed to caffeine. Exposure to a single dose of caffeine<br />

during embryogenesis results in both short-term effects on cardiac development and long-term effects<br />

on cardiac function.” (Wendler C C, and others).<br />

Is this the cause of the epidemic obesity in children?<br />

XVI - 43) Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: “Overuse of legal drugs (eg, caffeine, nicotine, alcohol) can<br />

contribute to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and, therefore, should be reduced.” (Ashworth N L).

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