Clinician's Pocket Drug Reference 2008

Clinician's Pocket Drug Reference 2008

Clinician's Pocket Drug Reference 2008


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Cimetidine 63pseudomembranous colitis Action: Binds intestinal bile acids, forms insolublecomplexes Dose: Adults. Titrate: 4 g/d-bid ↑ to max 24 g/d & 6 doses/d. Peds. 240mg/kg/d in 3 ÷ doses Caution: [C, ?] Constipation, phenylketonuria Contra:Complete biliary or bowel obst; hypolipoproteinemia types III, IV, V Disp: 4 g ofcholestyramine resin/9 g powder; w/ aspartame: 4 g resin/5 g powder (Light) 4 gresin/6.4 g powder SE: Constipation, abd pain, bloating, HA, rash Notes: OD maycause GI obst; mix 4 gm in 2–6 oz of noncarbonated beverage; take other meds 1–2h before or 6 h afterCiclesonide (Omnaris) Uses: Allergic rhinitis Action: Nasal corticosteroidDose: Adults and Peds > 12 y: 2 sprays each nostril 1 X day Caution: [C, ?/–]w/ ketoconazoleContra: Component allergy Disp: Intranasal spray susp, 50 mcg/spray,120 doses SE: adrenal suppression, delayed nasal wound healing, URI, HA, ear pain,epistaxis ↑ risk viral dz (eg, chickenpox), delayed growth in childrenCiclopirox (Loprox, Penlac) Uses: *Tinea pedis, tinea cruris, tinea corporis,cutaneous candidiasis, tinea versicolor, tinea rubrum* Action: Antifungalantibiotic; cellular depletion of essential substrates &/or ions Dose: Adults & Peds>10 y. Massage into affected area bid. Onychomycosis: apply to nails daily, withremoval every 7 d Caution: [B, ?] Contra: Component sensitivity Disp: Cream0.77%, gel 0.77%, topical sus 0.77%, shampoo 1%, nail lacquer 8% SE: Pruritus,local irritation, burning Notes: D/C w/ irritation; avoid dressings; gel best for athlete’sfootCidofovir (Vistide) WARNING: Renal impair is the major tox. Follow administrationinstructions Uses: *CMV retinitis w/ HIV* Action: Selective inhibitionof viral DNA synth Dose: Rx: 5 mg/kg IV over 1 h once/wk for 2 wk w/probenecid. Maint: 5 mg/kg IV once/2 wk w/ probenecid (2 g PO 3 h prior to cidofovir,then 1 g PO at 2 h & 8 h after cidofovir); ↓ in renal impair Caution: [C, –]SCr >1.5 mg/dL or CrCl = 55 mL/min or urine protein >100 mg/dL; w/ othernephrotoxic drugs Contra: Probenecid or sulfa allergy Disp: Inj 75 mg/mL SE:Renal tox, chills, fever, HA, N/V/D, thrombocytopenia, neutropenia Notes: Hydratew/NS prior to each infCilostazol (Pletal) Uses: *Reduce Sxs of intermittent claudication* Action:Phosphodiesterase III inhibitor; ↑’s cAMP in plts & blood vessels, vasodilation& inhibit plt aggregation Dose: 100 mg PO bid, 1 ⁄2 h before or 2 h afterbreakfast & dinner Caution: [C, +/–] ↓ dose w/ drugs that inhibit CYP3A4 &CYP2C19 (Table 11) Contra: CHF, hemostatic disorders, active pathologic bleedingDisp: Tabs 50, 100 mg SE: HA, palpitation, DCimetidine (Tagamet) (Tagamet HB, Tagamet DS OTC)Uses: *Duodenal ulcer; ulcer prophylaxis in hypersecretory states, (eg, trauma,burns); & GERD* Action: H 2 receptor antagonist Dose: Adults. Active ulcer: 2400mg/d IV cont inf or 300 mg IV q6h; 400 mg PO bid or 800 mg hs. Maint: 400 mgPO hs. GERD: 300–600 mg PO q6h; maint 800 mg PO hs. Peds. Infants: 10–20mg/kg/24 h PO or IV ÷ q6–12h. Children: 20–40 mg/kg/24 h PO or IV ÷ q6h; ↓w/

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