A global review of disaster reduction initiatives - Welcome to the ...

A global review of disaster reduction initiatives - Welcome to the ...

A global review of disaster reduction initiatives - Welcome to the ...


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• Formulating distinctive risk <strong>reduction</strong>strategies for specific sec<strong>to</strong>rs.• Providing mutual assistance in case <strong>of</strong> <strong>disaster</strong>.• Enhancing local level risk management.There has been more collaboration with communityand municipal based organisationssuch as <strong>the</strong> Community Network for Risk Management,<strong>the</strong> Federation <strong>of</strong> Community Organisationsand <strong>the</strong> Central American Municipal Federation.There is a promising expansion <strong>of</strong> programmesdedicated <strong>to</strong> reducing vulnerability<strong>to</strong> natural hazards at local levels, buildingnational capacities, and exchanging experienceand information regionally.Beginning in July 2001, UNDP launched atwo-year Regional Programme on Risk Managementand Disaster Reduction. This concentratesCommunity - based regional inititiveInitial consideration given <strong>to</strong> community-based<strong>disaster</strong> <strong>reduction</strong> outlooks were boosted by aGTZ-inspired project for Streng<strong>the</strong>ning <strong>of</strong> LocalStructures for Disaster Mitigation (FEMID). Toundertake a regional approach for introducingrisk <strong>reduction</strong> considerations within local developmentframeworks, it used pilot activities in allsix Central American countries. Experiencegained in <strong>the</strong> use <strong>of</strong> early warning in local communitieswas applied <strong>to</strong> floods in <strong>the</strong> projectpilot zones. In <strong>the</strong> Masica area <strong>of</strong> nor<strong>the</strong>rnHonduras it became a regional and internationalexample <strong>of</strong> good practice. After early warningschemes had been consolidated in different areas,local committees – formed <strong>to</strong> promote this singleactivity – began <strong>to</strong> develop a broader interest ino<strong>the</strong>r primary risk <strong>reduction</strong> issues. This <strong>the</strong>nled <strong>to</strong> some <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> groups establishing new relationshipswith development agencies, as occurredin <strong>the</strong> Chepo area <strong>of</strong> Panama.on improving local risk management practices,within <strong>the</strong> framework <strong>of</strong> CEPREDENAC’sLocal Level Risk Management Programme, andstreng<strong>the</strong>ning <strong>the</strong> capacities <strong>of</strong> national risk<strong>reduction</strong> systems. A new phase <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> UNDPcoordinatedinter-agency Disaster ManagementTraining Programme (DMTP) is being designed<strong>to</strong> concentrate particularly on structuringnational risk scenarios, identifying key ac<strong>to</strong>rsand determining <strong>the</strong> priority research and trainingrequirements <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> region.Policy and public commitment: <strong>the</strong> foundation <strong>of</strong> <strong>disaster</strong> risk <strong>reduction</strong>Coordinating Centre for <strong>the</strong> Prevention<strong>of</strong> Natural Disasters in Central AmericaCEPREDENAC has been key in realising <strong>the</strong>se changes. Startingas an informal group <strong>of</strong> scientific and <strong>of</strong>ficial responseorganizations in 1987, it has become <strong>the</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficial Central AmericanIntegration System’s (SICA) specialized organization forrisk and <strong>disaster</strong> <strong>reduction</strong> strategies.Following <strong>the</strong> coordination and operational demands imposedby <strong>the</strong> devastating <strong>disaster</strong>s in <strong>the</strong> final years <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> 1990s, ithas proven crucial in tying <strong>to</strong>ge<strong>the</strong>r many pr<strong>of</strong>essional abilitiesand regional political interests. Importantly, <strong>the</strong> regional strategycalled for <strong>the</strong> updating and completion <strong>of</strong> CEPREDENAC’sRegional Plan for Disaster Reduction. Since 1999, this hasbeen <strong>the</strong> vehicle by which CEPREDENAC has promotedaction identified by <strong>the</strong> governments and many o<strong>the</strong>r projectsthroughout <strong>the</strong> region.CEPREDENAC has gained status through its work plans witho<strong>the</strong>r specialized agencies. It has undertaken risk <strong>reduction</strong>activities with PAHO in <strong>the</strong> health sec<strong>to</strong>r, <strong>the</strong> Housing andHuman Settlements Coordinating Committee in <strong>the</strong> housingand human settlements area, <strong>the</strong> Central American and PanamanianInstitute for Nutrition and <strong>the</strong> World Food Programmein food security matters, and <strong>the</strong> Central American TransportCommittee in communications and transport. It has pursuedadditional endeavours <strong>to</strong> fur<strong>the</strong>r risk <strong>reduction</strong> with o<strong>the</strong>rregional agencies in <strong>the</strong> fields <strong>of</strong> agriculture, water management,telecommunications, and electricity generation and distribution.CEPREDENAC has moved <strong>to</strong>ward broader regional programmedevelopment, encouraging projects <strong>to</strong> be implemented bynational authorities or local groups. Recently, CEPREDENACand <strong>the</strong> Regional Unit for Technical Assistance (RUTA) publishedguidelines for <strong>the</strong> introduction <strong>of</strong> risk management practicesin rural development projects throughout <strong>the</strong> region. In asimilar vein, CEPREDENAC is now addressing risk issuesassociated with <strong>the</strong> important Puebla <strong>to</strong> Panama Logistical Corridor,undertaking more work with <strong>the</strong> private sec<strong>to</strong>r, <strong>the</strong> regionaland international banking community, and promoting risk<strong>reduction</strong> issues in Central American development agencies.With IADB, World Bank and Japanese funds CEPREDENAC isfinancing a Regional Prevention and Mitigation Programme t<strong>of</strong>inance projects favouring risk <strong>reduction</strong> proposed by nationalCEPREDENAC commissions. At <strong>the</strong> beginning <strong>of</strong> 2001 it createda Local Level Risk Management Programme with <strong>the</strong> support<strong>of</strong> IADB and UNDP. Initial activities have involved <strong>the</strong> establishment<strong>of</strong> a conceptual framework for risk management thatwill encourage programme activities, and <strong>the</strong> start <strong>of</strong> a systematicprocess <strong>of</strong> recording experiences in local level management in<strong>the</strong> region. A third initiative is <strong>the</strong> institution’s Regional ActionPlan for Central America, financed by UNESCO with Dutch,German and French support. This regional programme providestraining for specialists in <strong>the</strong> use <strong>of</strong> technologies for analysinghazards, particularly <strong>the</strong> use <strong>of</strong> GIS applications.1153

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