A global review of disaster reduction initiatives - Welcome to the ...

A global review of disaster reduction initiatives - Welcome to the ...

A global review of disaster reduction initiatives - Welcome to the ...


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Annexesa3Annex 3aList <strong>of</strong> ACRONYMSACCACMADACSADBADMINADPCADRCADRRNAEDESAEGDMAEMIAGISAGMPAGRHYMETAGSOAIDISAISTAITALIDESALITEAOSISAPECAPELLARFARPDMARTEMISASEANAUAUDMPAusDINbAVHRRBCPRBGHRCBIBEXBICEPPBITcBPIEPCCABEICAMICACCAFCARDINCARECARICOMCBDCBDMAdministrative Committee on Coordination (now CEB)African Center <strong>of</strong> Meteorological Applications for Development (Centre africain des applicationsde la météorologie pour le développement), Niamey, NigerAssociation <strong>of</strong> Caribbean StatesAsian Development Bank, Manila, PhilippinesAustralian Disaster Management Information NetworkAsian Disaster Preparedness Center, Bangkok, ThailandAsian Disaster Reduction Center, Kobe, JapanAsian Disaster Reduction and Response NetworkAgence Européenne pour le Developpement et la SantéASEAN Experts Group on Disaster ManagementAustralian Emergency Management Institute (now EMAI)Agriculture Geo-referrenced Information SystemAgricultural Meteorology Programme, WMOSpecialized hydrometeorological institute <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Permanent Interstate Committee forDrought Control in <strong>the</strong> SAHEL (CILSS). See also : CILSS, Comité permanent InterEtats de Lutte Contre la Sécherresse dans le SAHEL.Australian Geological Survey OrganizationAsociación Interamericana de Ingeniería sanitaria y Ambiental (Panamerican EngineeringAssociation for <strong>the</strong> Public Health and Environment)Agency <strong>of</strong> Industrial Science & Technology, JapanAsian Institute <strong>of</strong> Technology, Bangkok, ThailandAlianza para el Desarrollo Sostenible (Alliance for Sustainable Development), CentralAmericaAugmented Logistics Intervention Team for Emergencies, WFPAlliance <strong>of</strong> Small Islands StatesAsia-Pacific Economic CooperationAwareness and Preparedness for Emergencies at <strong>the</strong> Local Level (UNEP Program)ASEAN Regional Forum (for Regional Cooperation in Disaster Management)ASEAN Regional Program on Disaster ManagementAdvanced Real Time Environmental Information Moni<strong>to</strong>ring System, FAOAssociation <strong>of</strong> South East Asian NationsAfrican UnionAsian Urban Disaster Mitigation Program, ADPC, ThailandAustralian Disaster Information NetworkAdvanced Very High Resolution RadiometerBureau for Crisis Prevention and Recovery, UNDP (formely Emergency Response Division,ERD)Benfield Greig Hazard Research Centre, University College London, United KingdomBiomass Burning ExperimentBusiness and Industry Council for Emergency Planning and PreparednessBandung Institute <strong>of</strong> Technology, IndonesiaBureau de la protection des infrastructures essentielles et de la protection civile, Canada. SeeAlso: OCIPEP, Office <strong>of</strong> Critical Infrastructure Protection and Emergency PreparednessCentral American Bank for Economic IntegrationCentral American Mitigation Initiative (Iniciativa Centroamericana para la Mitigación)Consejo Agricola Centroamericano (Central American Agricultural Advisory Board)Corporación Andina de Fomen<strong>to</strong> (Andean Development Corporation)Caribbean Disaster Information NetworkCooperative for Assistance and Relief EverywhereCaribbean CommunityUnited Nations Convention on Biological DiversityCommunity Based Disaster Management365

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