Minor Latin poets; with introductions and English translations

Minor Latin poets; with introductions and English translations

Minor Latin poets; with introductions and English translations


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TWO ELEGIES OF MAECENASdone its work. The streams are frozen—then theswallow shelters 'mid the crags : in spring loudtwitterincTshe skims the jrenial meres.The Emperor was Maecenas' friend: so he wasfree to live a life of ease when the Emperor wasnow all he longed to be. He granted indulgenceto Maecenas' merits : nor is Maecenas reckless : wehave won our victory'': 'twas the judgement ofAugustus that counted him deserving.''After the*-'Argo had skirted in affright the reefs of Scylla <strong>and</strong>the peril of the Clashing Rocks, when the barque hadnow to be moored, the daughter'^ of Aeetes, all-skilledin her magic juices, had changed into a lamb thebody of the ram she had cut up. 'Twas right,Maecenas, that by such means thou shouldst havepower to grow young again : would that we had theherb of the Colchian (sorceress)Trees reclothed in green have the bloom of theirlife restored : <strong>and</strong> to man then does not that whichwas his before come again ? Is it meet that the timiddeer <strong>with</strong> stiff horns on their wild foreheads shouldhave longer life ? Crows, 'tis said, live for many ayear : why do we men exist on narrow terms ?Tithonus, as Aurora's consort, feeds on nectar, <strong>and</strong>so, though he be palsied now, no length of age canwork him harm. That thy life, Maecenas, mightAs Anton}' has been overthrown, easy-going relaxationis no longer a danger.* i.e. to indulge in a more luxurious life after Antony'sdefeat.' Tfie Argo would not naturally pass by Scylla <strong>and</strong>Charybdis on the outward voj^age to Colchis.^ Medea, princess of Colchis, famous for her powers insorcery.K 2

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