Minor Latin poets; with introductions and English translations

Minor Latin poets; with introductions and English translations

Minor Latin poets; with introductions and English translations


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MINOR LATIN POETS" erige crinales lauros.seniuraque sacrati ]verticis in virides, Roma, refinge comas,aurea turrigero radient diademata cono,perpetuosque ignes aureus umbo vomatabscondat tristem deleta iniuria casumcontemptus solidet vulnera clausa dolor. 1adversis soUenne tuis sperare secundaexemplo caeli ditia damna subis.astrorum flammae renovant occasibus ortuslunam fmiri cernis, ut incipiat.victoris Brenni non distulit Allia poenam ; 1Samnis servitio foedera saeva luitpost multas Pyrrhum clades superata fugastiflevit successus Hannibal ipse suosquae mergi nequeunt nisu maiore resurguntexsiliuntque imis altius acta vadis ;1utque novas vires fax inclinata resumit.clarior ex humili sorte superna petis.porrige victuras Romana in saecula leges,solaque fatales non vereare colos,quamvis sedecies denis et mille peractis 1annus praeterea iam tibi nonus eat.quae restant nullis obnoxia tempora metis,dum stabunt terrae, dum polus astra feretillud te reparat quod cetera regna resolvitordo renascendi est crescere posse malis. 1^^^ recinge VRB, Vessereau : refinge Heinsius etfere omnes.13^maestis Baehrens." Cf. Lucan I. 185-190, where Roma, wearing a muralcrown, appears to Caesar at the Rubicon, turrigero canoseffundens vertice crines.* Four examples of recovery are cited : (1) the defeat ofRome at the Allia in 390 B.C. was soon avenged by the deathof Brennus, the Gallic leader; (2) the subjection of theSamnites compensated for the severe terms imposed by them774

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