Minor Latin poets; with introductions and English translations

Minor Latin poets; with introductions and English translations

Minor Latin poets; with introductions and English translations


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MINOR LATIN POETSnarrabat, niemini, niultos eniensus honoresTuscorum regimen plus placuisse sibinam neque opum curam, quamvis sit magna, sacrarumnee ius quaestm-ae grata fuisse magis ;ipsam, si fas est, postponere praefecturam5^pronior in Tuscos non dubitabat amor,nee fallebatur, tarn carus et ipse probatis :aeternas grates mutua cm'a canitconstantemque sibi pariter mitemque fuisseinsinuant natis qui meminere senes.5tipsum me gradibus non degenerasse parentisgaudent, et duplici sedulitate fovent.haec eadem, cum Flaminiae regionibus irem,splendoris patrii saepe reperta fides :famam Lachanii veneratur numinis instar 5£inter terrigenas Lydia tota suos.grata bonis priscos retinet provincia moresdignaque rectores semper habere bonos,qualis nunc Decius, Lucilli nobile pignus,per Coryti populos arva beata regit.6Cnee mirum, magni si redditus indole natifelix tarn simili posteritate pater." Rutilius' father had been Count of the Sacred Largesses,Quaestor, <strong>and</strong> City Prefect.* The praefedura here is that of the Cit}^ Prefect, not ofthe Praetorian Prefect. Rutilius is apologetic {si fas est)over the idea of preferring any dignity to the prefecture ofthe august city of Rome.'^Canit here implies laudatory lines on the base of the statuerather than actual song.'^The regions in mind were Umbrian <strong>and</strong> Tuscan districtslying not far ofE the line of the great northern road fromRome.* Lydia here means Etruria, which according to one ancientaccount was settled from Lydia in Asia <strong>Minor</strong>.8l6

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