Minor Latin poets; with introductions and English translations

Minor Latin poets; with introductions and English translations

Minor Latin poets; with introductions and English translations


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xMINOR LATIN POETSLycidas :IVMopsusPopulea Lycidas nee non et Mopsus in umbra,pastores, calamis ae versu doctus uterquenee tri^iale sonans, proprios eantabat amores.nam Mopso Meroe, Lyeidae erinitus lollasignis erat ;parilisque furor de dispare sexueogebat trepidos totis diseurrere silvis.hos puer ae Meroe multum lusere furentes,dum modo eondictas vitant in vallibus ulmos,nunc fagos placitas fugiunt promissaque falluntantra nee est animus solitos alludere fontes.cum t<strong>and</strong>em fessi, quos dirus adederat ignis,sic sua desertis nudarunt vulnera silvisinque \-icem dulces cantu luxere querellas.M. immitis Meroe rapidisque fugacior Euris,cur nostros calamos, cur pastoralia vitascarmina ? quemve fugis ? quae me tibi gloriavicto ?quid vultu mentem premis ac spem fronteSerenas ?t<strong>and</strong>em, dura, nega : possum non velle negantem.cantet, amat quod quisque : levant et carminacuras.^° ad ludere MaeJily, Baehrens.11 durus XGA : lusus vel luxus V : dimsH. Schenki :torridus Baehrens. ederat XG V plerique, Baehrens : adederatV nonnulli.1^ dixere vulgo : duxere V plerique : luxere Glaeser :mulsere Maehly.1^ non codd. : iamBaehrens : namC. Schenki.478**An alternative title is " Eros."* From Virg. Aen. TV. 477, spent frnnte serenat.

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