Minor Latin poets; with introductions and English translations

Minor Latin poets; with introductions and English translations

Minor Latin poets; with introductions and English translations


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AETNAt luliire fires yet [to make its look more imposing<strong>and</strong> its mental picture no unreal one]. Such is.Vrtna's scat, the field of phenomena so miglity:[such the enticing form <strong>and</strong> home of its hallowedactivity].Now my task dem<strong>and</strong>s who is the maker <strong>and</strong> whatthe cause of the conflagration—no cause that ofslight or trivial import. A thous<strong>and</strong> fires in a momentof time will set before you the true cause. Facts<strong>and</strong> your eyes instruct you : facts unaided compelbelief. Nay, they would instruct you by touch, wereit safe to touch. But flames forbid it; Aetna'sactivity has the protection of fire which preventsapproach, <strong>and</strong> the divine control over all is <strong>with</strong>outwitness ; all such things you will descry from adistance. But there is no doubt what racks Aetna<strong>with</strong>in or who is the marvellous artificer that directsh<strong>and</strong>iwork so great. A cloud of burnt s<strong>and</strong> is drivenin a whirl ; swiftly rush the flaming masses ; from thedepth foundations are upheaved. Now bursts acrash from Aetna everywhere : now the flames showghastly pale as they mingle <strong>with</strong> the dark downpour.Afar off even Jupiter marvels at the mighty fires <strong>and</strong>trembles speechless in his secret haunt, lest a freshbrood of Giants be rising to renew long-buried war orlest Pluto be growing ashamed of his kingdom <strong>and</strong>be changing hell for heaven ; while outside all iscovered <strong>with</strong> heap on heap of rock <strong>and</strong> crumbling189 exutae CZ : exhaustae G : exustae ed. Ascens. 1507.glomeratur CHAV : glomerantur SR : glomeratim G : glomeranterEllis.20Stantum premit CSZ : tremit G : tacitus treinitBachrens, Ellis.377

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