Minor Latin poets; with introductions and English translations

Minor Latin poets; with introductions and English translations

Minor Latin poets; with introductions and English translations


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MINOR LATIN POETSquod si forte putas isdem decurrere ventosfaucibus atque isdem piilsos remeare, not<strong>and</strong>asres oculis locus ipse dabit cogetque negare.quamvis caeruleo siccus love fulgeat aether,purpureoque rubens surgat iubar aureus ostro,Iillinc obscura semper caligine nubes !pigraque defuso circum stupet umida vultu,prospectans sublimis opus vastosque receptus.non illam videt Aetna nee ullo intercipit aestuobsequitur quacumque iubet levis aura, reditque.placantes etiam caelestia numina turesummo cerne iugo, vel qua liberrimius Aetnaeintrospectus hiat, tantarum semina reruni,sinihil irritet flammas stupeatque profundum.Ihuicne igitur credis torrens ut spiritus illequi rupes terram.que rotat, qui fulminat ignes, ;cum rexit vires et praeceps flexit habenas,praesertim ipsa suo declinia pondere, numquam3*^ (a)cthnae AR : aethna C : etna H (? ablative).^*2 inj^.rospectus CSZ : introspectus Schroder.3** huinc C : huicne Ellis : hinc Scaliger, Baehrens.^^^ notat CSZ : rotat Jacob.^" declivia CZ : declinia Ellis. All lines after 346 aremissing in S." 330-358. This passage aims at disprovmg the idea thatthe wind which in an eruption issues from the crater has beenconstantly entering the mountain by the same avenue. Twoarguments refute the notion : (1) the cloud which hangsinvariably over the summit would be displaced by any wind

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