Minor Latin poets; with introductions and English translations

Minor Latin poets; with introductions and English translations

Minor Latin poets; with introductions and English translations


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MINOR LATIN POETSGl. deliciae somnusque solent adamare querellas.My. ergo si causas curarum scire laborasGl. quae spargit ramos, tremula nos vestiet umbraulmus, et en tenero corpus summittere pratolierba iubet : tu die, quae sit tibi causa tacendi.Ml/, cernis ut attrito difFusus cespite pagusannua vota ferat sollennesque inchoet aras ?spirant templa mero, resonant cava tympanapalmis,Maenalides teneras ducunt per sacra choreas,tibia laeta canit, pendet sacer hircus ab ulmoet iani nudatis cervicibus exuit exta.ergo num dubio pugnant discrimine natiet negat huic aevo stolidum pecus aurea regna ?Saturni rediere dies Astraeaque virgotutaque in antiquos redierunt saecula mores,condit secura totas spe messor aristas,languescit senio Bacchus, pecus errat in herba,nee gladio metimus nee clausis oppida murisbella tacenda parant ; nullo iam noxia partufemina quaecumque est hostem parit. arvaiuventus^5 cespite pagus Baehrens : cortice fagus E.^^ inchoet Baehrens : imbuet E : imbuat Hagen : induatPeiper.21 nunc Baehrens : num E.2* tutaque Baehrens : totaque E." Maenalus in Arcadia was especially associated <strong>with</strong> Pan.^ i.e. the present generation has no h<strong>and</strong>icap in the struggleof life : there is no conflict between man <strong>and</strong> nature, becausethe Golden Age has returned.' The very cattle must own that the blessings of theGolden Age belong to the present era.

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