Minor Latin poets; with introductions and English translations

Minor Latin poets; with introductions and English translations

Minor Latin poets; with introductions and English translations


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PUBLILIUS SYRUSThe miser is himself tlic cause of his misery.A lover knows his desire : his wisdom is out of sight.Even when awake, the lover has dreams of hissuspicions.To accredit disaster any tale has power.I.ove can't be wrested from one, but may slip away.Tears may buy off a lover's wrath.A woman is good at last, when she's openly bad.The miser may be your easy prey, when you're not amiser too.Wisdom <strong>with</strong> love is scarcely granted to a god.The one right thing a miser does is to die.Time conceals <strong>and</strong> time reveals the reprobate.It's the miser, not the wise man, M'hom a loss pains.What ill could you wish a miser save long life ?One must not trust at all a mind in pain.We fancy the lot of others ;others fancy ours more.Love is the young man's enjoyment, the old man'sreproach.Dunelm. etas te celat, etas te iudicat Dresd. astute dumcelatur aetas so indicat Erasmus : astu crimen celatur,aetas indicat Zivinger cit. apud Gruterum : astus cinaeduincelat, aestus indicat Friedrich.nisi ut pier. codd.26 sic M H :VOL. I. C17

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