Minor Latin poets; with introductions and English translations

Minor Latin poets; with introductions and English translations

Minor Latin poets; with introductions and English translations


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CALPUllNIUS SICULUSafter the manner of \'irgirs seventh eeloffue, theanioebean praises of the pretty Crocale by two rivals,a herd <strong>and</strong> a gardener; <strong>and</strong> v, the aged Micon'sexpert advice to a young rustic on the managementof flocks, based on Georgics III. 295-456. Thethree " courtly " poems, i, iv, vii, were \vi-itten afterthese four <strong>and</strong> placed at the beginning, middle <strong>and</strong>end of the collection. In eclogue i, roughly modelledon Virgil's " Messianic " eclogue, the tuneful shepherdsare imagined to discover a prophecy by Faunusheralding a renewal of the Golden Age under a new" Prince Charming," <strong>and</strong> they hope their poetrymay reach the imperial ears through the good officesof their patron Meliboeus : in iv, the longest of theseven, hopes are expressed that the poetic eulogieson the emperor will be recommended to his majestyby Meliboeus, <strong>and</strong> it is indicated that some successhad been already gained through his patronagefinally, in vii Corydon, newly back to the countryfrom Rome, relates to Lycotas his impressions ofthe amphitheatre <strong>and</strong> of the h<strong>and</strong>some emperor.Another feature of the arrangement may be noted.Eclogues ii, iv, vi are amoebean in form, <strong>and</strong> ares<strong>and</strong>wiched between eclogues which are not versedialoguesin structure. In thought <strong>and</strong> manner,though there are, as we have seen, contemporaryallusions, the pervasive influence is that of Virgil,<strong>and</strong> in a less degree that of Theocritus. The stylealso owes something to Ovid. Without being in theleast deeply poetic, <strong>and</strong> in spite of the artificialityinherent in pastorals, the eclogues of Calpurniusbreathe a rural atmosphere which makes thempleasant to read. Historically, they pass on theVirgilian tradition to Nemesianus.213

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