Minor Latin poets; with introductions and English translations

Minor Latin poets; with introductions and English translations

Minor Latin poets; with introductions and English translations


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OREPOSIANUSdepths of his Uinfi!:s hot passion still pants love.Venus herself then, even then, enkindled <strong>with</strong>glowing poison, is afire <strong>and</strong> burns : she wins norestful dreams. How winning the sight !^ Howfit the slumber that has o'ercome the naked limbs !A fair neck rests on snowy arms : the breast seemslit up by a pair of stars. Not wholly on her backis she reclined, but <strong>with</strong> a gentle bend of the bodywhere side meets side. Looking at Mars, she dropsher eyes in sleep, charming as ever, comely.^ Infront of the grove meanwhile Cupid is h<strong>and</strong>lingMars' weapons : <strong>and</strong> after scanning them one by one,breastplate, shield, sword, plumes of the threateninghelmet, he binds them each <strong>with</strong> flowers ; then teststhe spear's weight, marvelling that his own arrowshave been allowed such power.Already had Phoebus taken possession of the midworld<strong>with</strong> his rays, already in the heat of his proudcourse had he balanced the hours of day <strong>and</strong> wasrestraining his flaming steeds. Ah ! envious daylightprivy to the deed ! What love-intrigues ofVenus are now betrayed, O Phoebus, by thy sunshine! With a judge so mighty there st<strong>and</strong> asprisoners Mars <strong>and</strong> Love <strong>and</strong> Paphos' queen; shedthrough the branches, sunbeams quiver ; they cannotdisown their guilt confronted by thy testimony.From his chariot in full career Phoebus had espiedGradivus breathing love's fires in the Paphian goddess'lap. O ill-placed confidence ! joys evenfor the very gods scarce free from care ! Who butwould hope, when Cypris was in love, that loving* Baehrens marks a lacuna here because of the abrupttransition.535

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