Minor Latin poets; with introductions and English translations

Minor Latin poets; with introductions and English translations

Minor Latin poets; with introductions and English translations


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INTRODUCTION TORELEVANT WORKSA. Ebert. In Allgeme'nie Gesckickie der Lit. desMittelalters im Ahendl<strong>and</strong>e. Leipzig, 1874, ed. 2,1889.G. Goetz. In Acta Societ. philol. Lips. V. p. 319 sqq.H. Klapp. In Progr. gymn. W<strong>and</strong>sbeckiani. 1875.A. Riese. Ueber den Phoenix des Lactaniius, Rk.Mus. xxxi. 1876.H. Dechent. Ueber die Echtkeit des Phoenix vonLactaniius, Rh. Mus. xxxv. 1880, pp. 39-55.M. Manitius. In Geschichte der christl.-latein. Poesie.Stuttgart, 1891.O. Ribbeck. In Geschichte der r'om. Dichtu7ig, III.p. 364. Stuttgart, 1892.S. Br<strong>and</strong>t. Zum Phoenix des Lactaniius, Rh. Mus,xlvii. 1892.A. Knappitsch. De Lactaniii Ave Phoenice. Graz,1896.R. Pichon. Lactance : J^tude sur le mouvement philosophiqueet religieux sous le regne de Constaniin..Paris, 1901.C. Pascal. Sul carme de ave Phoenice. Naples, 1904./ carmi De Phoenice in Leiteraiura latinamedievale : Nuovi Saggi. Catania, 1909.C. L<strong>and</strong>i. De Ave Phoenice : il carme e il suo autorein Aiti e memorie di Padova, 31, 1914-1915.SIGLA648(As in Baehrens' P.L.M. III. pp. 247-249.)A = Parisinus 13048 : saec. viii, scriptura langobardicaexaratus inter Venantii Fortunatipoemata, fol. 47^-48^ versus 1-110, sine tituloexhibens.

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