Minor Latin poets; with introductions and English translations

Minor Latin poets; with introductions and English translations

Minor Latin poets; with introductions and English translations


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AETNAs<strong>and</strong>. They come not so of their own accord : unsupportedby the strenj^th of any powerful body theyfiill. It is the winds which arouse all these forces ofhavoc : the rocks which they have massed thicklytogether they whirl in eddying storm <strong>and</strong> roll fromthe abyss. For this reason the rush of fire from themountain is no surprise. Winds when swollen arecalled " spirit," but " air " when sunk to rest." Theviolence of flame unaided is almost ineffectual ; true,fire has always a natural velocity <strong>and</strong> perpetualmotion, but some ally is needed for the propulsionof bodies. In itself it has no motive energy : wherespirit is comm<strong>and</strong>er, it obeys. Spirit is emperorfire serves in the army of this great captain.^Now, since the character of Aetna's activity <strong>and</strong>of the soil is manifest, whence come the winds themselves? What feeds the conflagration ? When theyare suddenly arrested, what is the inherent cause ofthe hush? I shall follow up the inquiry. Infiniteis the toil, yet fruitful too. Just rewards match theworker's task. Not cattle-like to gaze on the world'smarvels merely <strong>with</strong> the eye, not to lie outstretchedupon the ground feeding a weight of flesh, but tograsp the proof of things <strong>and</strong> search into doubtfulcauses, to hallow genius, to raise the head to the sky,to know the number <strong>and</strong> character of natal elementsin the mighty universe (do they dread extinction or

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