Minor Latin poets; with introductions and English translations

Minor Latin poets; with introductions and English translations

Minor Latin poets; with introductions and English translations


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CATOIf you'd live healthy, drink in temperatemeasurediseases spring from trivial pleasure.Oft illWhat you've approved <strong>and</strong> lauded openly,Shun the reproach of damning flightily.When all is calm, dread ever fortune's changeThen, in bad times, your hope towards good mustrange.Fail not to learn ; for wisdom grows by pains :Mere long-drawn waiting rarely prudence gains.Praise sparingly ; for him you oft commendOne day reveals how far he has been friend.Blush not to wish, where ignorant, to be taughtKnowledge wins praise : drones wish to studynaught.With love <strong>and</strong> wine are strife <strong>and</strong> pleasure knitTake to your heart the joy :the strife omit.Gloomy <strong>and</strong> silent men take care to shunStill waters haply all too deep may run.When fortune at a crisis serves thee ill.Look at that other who is served worse still.Try only what you can : 'tis wiser farTo row inshore than sail beyond the bar.Strive not unfairly 'gainst an upright man :On wrath unjustified God sets a ban.When robbed of wealth, in anguish sorrow notRather rejoice in what falls to thy lot.To part <strong>with</strong> what toil won the loss is soreYet think, if health be thine, thou hast fullstore.33. 2 utiliu3 multo est A : tutius est multo s.3*^. 1 quaesitum a. damno A : quae sunt a. dam(p)ni3 cetericodd.619

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